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摘  要

In the process of textile, sizing is the key process steps.Early sizing mainly depend on manual daub on the yarn size, then drying is finished, but it is difficult to guarantee the quality,often appear defective products.Improvement of living standards of textiles is more demanding, higher requirements for sizing makes the emergence of the sizing machine.Sizing machine is good or bad determines the industrial production of yarn quality,。In sizing machine, drying room drying cylinder temperature for the quality of the yarn has a direct impact, so the slasher drum temperature control system design is very important.
In the design of the structure of sizing machine condition analysis, determine the sizing each step of the process, and which parts need to be controlled.New type sizing machine application of the computer control technology of slasher drying cylinder temperature, yarn moisture regain, yarn tension parameters controlled.Only five cylinder respectively corresponding to the five temperature control point, this article for the five point temperature PID control algorithm, and the corresponding simulation.Five temperature control points respectively before and after the preliminary drying and combined drying around one place.
Modern temperature control system should have the characteristics of fast and accurate. According to the characteristics of the temperature control system, the operation process and the actual sizing machine, hardware and software design of the system part。Hardware part, the system is mainly composed of PLC, HMI, thermistor and the proportioning valve, etc。Software mainly has PLC ladder diagram program and the preparation of HMI screen.Due to the temperature control is a negative feedback control, a high degree of control requirements, so the design will be adopted PID algorithm.
System control steps are mainly: first, inside the cylinder temperature collection, with platinum thermistor; After the temperature drying cylinder will be collected into the PLC;In PLC, the temperature and the temperature of the input to the set value at the beginning of PID algorithm in the calculation, the calculation results from the PLC output to the proportional pressure regulating valve, and then film inlet valve controlled by the amount of steam.In the simulation can be observed, PID control algorithm in a reasonable set of PID three parameters will make the entire temperature control system to run smoothly, which shows that this graduation design is successful.
Key words:Sizing machine;Temperature control;Drying cylinder;PLC;PID



目  录
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 研究的背景和意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    2
1.2.1 浆纱机的研究现状    2
1.2.2 温度控制技术的发展与研究现状    2
1.3 浆纱机烘筒温度控制的应用    3
1.4 本文的主要研究内容    3
第2章 浆纱机烘筒温度控制系统分析    5
2.1 浆纱机烘筒结构及工作原理    5
2.2 浆纱机烘筒温度控制的特点及控制目标    6
2.2.1 浆纱机烘筒温度控制的特点    6
2.2.2 浆纱机烘筒温度控制目标    7
2.3 烘筒温度控制系统的整体设计方案    8
2.4 浆纱机烘筒温度控制系统的控制方法    9
2.4.1 PID控制    9
2.4.2 PID系统仿真    10
第3章 浆纱机烘筒温度控制系统硬件设计    12
3.1 温度传感器的选型    12
3.2 执行器的选型    13
3.3.1 比例调压阀的选取    13
3.3.2 控制阀的选取    13
3.3 控制器的选型    14
3.3.1 PLC的选型    14
3.3.2 HMI的选型    15
3.3.3 PLC模拟量模块    15
第4章 浆纱机烘筒温度控制系统软件设计    17
4.1 系统整体布局    17
4.2 AutoShop软件编程    18
4.3 HMI组态画面的绘制    20
第5章 结论    22
5.1 工作总结    22
5.2 展望    22
参考文献    24
附录    25
附录A PLC程序    25
附录B外部接线图    28
附录C电气原理图    29
附录D辅助控制图    30