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关键字:LabVIEW 交流参数 数采卡

The article introduces a system which uses LabVIEW to do Ac circuit parameter measurement. This article focuses on the study LabVIEW software design method, First introduces the development situation of the subject, and research significance, It also introduces the measurement method of traditional ac circuit parameters.
The ac circuit parameters test system mainly has the following functions: Can be output at the same time satisfy a certain strict phase relationship of two-way signal, you can set to adjust the signal amplitude through the front panel, frequency, phase position and so on, you can also set a white noise amplitude; Also can measure the signal phase, frequency, power, the circuit parameters such as SNR. Software of front panel using the graphical interface, the operation simple and quick, low cost. The user through the data acquisition card signal acquisition the actual circuit, connecting the upper and lower position machine. User not just in the development of the system, upgrade maintenance phase all performance parameters can be more accurate estimate of the system, can in different computer platforms to test and compare the performance of the developed system, for the development of virtual instrument and provide reliable evaluation based on the determination of performance parameters.
Key words:LabVIEW , alternating current parameter  ,DAQ Card


摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1论文研究的意义    1
1.2传统的交流电路参数测量方法简介    1
1.2.1常规的测试方法:三表法    1
1.2.2 改进后的测试方法:三电压表法    1
第二章 软硬件的简介    3
    2.1  软件介绍    3
2.1.1 LabVIEW概述    3
2.1.2  LabVIEW特点    3
2.1.3 LabVIEW的编程环境    4
    2.2 硬件的介绍    4
2.2.1 数据采集卡    4
2.2.2 RCL串联电路简介    5
第三章 交流电路参数测量系统的设计    6
3.1 交流电路参数测量原理    6
3.2交流电路参数测量系统的设计思路    7
3.3 前面板设计    7
3.4 程序的设计    11
3.4.1 双路正弦信号源设计    11
3.4.2 运行模式    16
3.4.3 数据采集与处理程序    17
第四章 仿真实验中影响测量精度的因素分析    20
4.1通道间延时的影响    20
4.2 采样率、样本数量的影响    21
4.3 噪声的影响    22
4.4 非整个周期采样的影响    24
4.5 谐波对测量精度的影响    27
第五章 实际电路实验结果与分析    29
5.1 由R、C、L构成的实际电路    29
5.2  实验结果与分析    31
第六章 总结    33
参考文献    34
致谢    35