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摘  要

In this paper, aiming at the convenience requirement of IC card recharge, the wireless self-help card system based on Bluetooth is put forward. The main purpose of this system is to make the user can use the APP on the mobile phone to recharge IC card by the portable IC card system at anytime and anywhere, without the need to recharge the special IC card recharge point. The user provides great convenience. This paper mainly studies the design of the whole frame of the system, the selection of modules, the power and energy consumption of the system, the communication program between the system modules and the realization of the system as a whole. In this paper, we use the existing modules to implement the system to reduce the duplication of the existing modules. At the same time, we explain the reasons for selecting the corresponding modules. The detailed structural design block diagram of the system structure and the wiring diagram between the system and the module are completed. At the same time, it introduces the realization logic of the system control program, each function principle and its detailed program flow chart. Finally, the design of the Bluetooth wireless self-help card system is made in kind, and the system has been tested on the actual function. A large number of repeated test results show that the system has achieved the intended target of the design.
Key words: IC card; Bluetooth; self-help recharge


目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景和意义    1
1.2 国内外蓝牙技术发展现状    1
1.3主要研究内容与研究目标    2
1.3.1蓝牙模块与手机终端APP的数据收发    2
1.3.2釆集系统的电源供电和系统能耗问题    2
1.3.3读写卡模块与单片机之间的通信程序    3
1.4项目的创新之处    3
第2章 系统整体方案设计    4
2.1项目实施方案    4
2.2 系统整体模块设计框图    4
2.3 MSP430单片机    5
2.3.1单片机概述    5
2.3.2  BCS 基本时钟系统    6
2.3.3 LPM 超低功耗模块    6
2.3.4 WDT 看门狗定时器    7
2.4电源模块与液晶显示模块    7
2.5蓝牙通信模块    8
2.6 读写卡模块    8
第3章 读写卡系统硬件设计    11
3.1 MSP430最小系统    11
3.2  电源电路    12
3.3蓝牙模块电路    12
3.4 读写卡模块电路    13
第4章读/写卡系统软件设计    14
4.1 MSP430控制程序    14
4.2 主要函数原理介绍    14
4.2.1系统初始化函数    14
4.2.2标志位检测函数    14
4.2.3蓝牙连接检测函数    16
4.2.4定时中断函数    17
4.2.5数据解析函数    17
4.2.6读写卡函数    17
4.3 终端设备APP    19
4.3.1 用户交互界面布局    19
4.3.2 函数设计原理    19
第5章 测试与分析总结    22
5.1 系统初始化    22
5.2 电源模块    23
5.3 蓝牙模块通信    23
5.4 读写卡模块操作    25
5.5 系统整体测试    26
第6章 总结    28
参考文献    29
致  谢    30