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摘  要
1.     (负荷分级、 、电气设 择、短路电 算、导线电 择、配电干线、配 统图、电气平面图);
2.    照明 (照度计算、照明 置、应急照明设计);
3.    建筑物防 护设计、接地系统设计。
照明系统主要依据国 关的设计规 标准以及有 的设计 进行设计。设计内容 照度要求外,还尽力满足绿色节能设计的要求。
关键词:   照 统    
The Electrical Design of A Comprehensive Teaching Building
   This design is mainly an electrical design for a comprehensive teaching building, it  includes :
  First:The design of power supply and distribution system which includes load capacity classification and calculation,the choice of electrical equipment and wire cable, short-circuit current calculation,power distribution trunk line,the design of power distribution system etc.
  Second:The design of  lighting system which includes illumination calculation,the arrangement of lamps and the design of emergency lighting.
  Third:The design of lighting-proof for buildings and grounding system.
  Building is used all the way to 10KV power supplied from mains power cable lead all the way to substation changed to work as normal power supply.Kitchen capacity within power system are only reserved.
  The design of lighting system is mainly on the basis of the national related design specifications and standards and relevant professional design material. This design is not only satisfy illumination requirement but also meet energy conservation.
  The lightning-proof grounding system includes calculating the estimated annual number of lightning strokes and the confirmation of lighting-protection level; the design of lightning receptor (lightning network), down lead and ground device.
Key Words: Power supply and distribution system; Lighting system; Lighting-proof ground system

1.1.    电气工程概述


目  录
摘要    Ⅰ
Abstract    Ⅱ
第一章 工程概述    1
1.1. 电气工程概述    1
1.2. 电气设计概述    1
1.2.1. 本工程设计内容    1
1.2.2. 本工程主要设计方法    2
第二章 供配电系统设计    3
2.1负荷等级及配电方式    3
2.1.1负荷分级    3
2.1.2配电原则    3
2.1.3供电电源及供电方式    3
2.1.4回路分配    4
2.2供配电计算    4
2.2.1供配电负荷计算    4
2.2.2电压损失计算    5
2.2.3短路电流计算    6
2.3设备选型    9
2.3.1低压断路器的选型    9
2.3.2导线的选型    9
2.3.3照明箱的选型    10
2.4供配电系统的保护    10
2.4.1低压熔断器保护    10
2.4.2低压断路器的保护    11
第三章 电气照明系统设计    12
3.1照明系统设计    12
3.1.1照度要求    12
3.1.2灯具选择与安装方式    13
3.1.3负荷计算    14
3.1.4照度计算    15
3.1.5灯具布置    19
3.1.6照度校核    19
3.1.7功率密度校验    22
3.2 照明配电系统设计    28
3.2.1照明配电系统设计原则    28
3.2.2确定照明设备计算负荷    29
3.2.3照明配电计算    31
第四章 动力系统设计    45
4.1 空调配电系统    45
4.2 电梯配电系统    46
4.3 水泵房配电系统    46
第五章 防雷接地系统设计    47
5.1防雷设计的重点    47
5.2 防雷措施    48
5.2.1年雷击次数计算    48
5.2.2防直击雷的措施    48
5.2.3防雷电波侵入的措施    49
5.3接地与安全    49
5.3.1接地要求    49
5.3.2安全措施    49
结语    50
参考文献    51
致谢    52