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关键词:光伏并网发电  锁相技术 Boost升压电路  DC/AC逆变器  saber仿真

Photovoltaic grid-connected power generation and control technology
With the increasing development of traditional social production of energy, especially the limited coal, oil and natural gas. Using traditional energy irrationally, they will be exhausted in the 21 century, not only causing the energy crisis, but also global environmental problems. Solar energy is widely distributed, safe, clean, renewable and recognized as an ideal alternative energy. Therefore, grid-connected photovoltaic system is more and more concern of governments. A basic set of photovoltaic grid-connected system is made up of solar panels, solar controller, inverter and the battery.
Grid-connected inverter is the important device of a photovoltaic power generation system power into the grid. Moreover control technique of grid-connected inverter is the hotspot of the research and the key cut-in control is phase-locked technology.
The essay is based on the photovoltaic power generation system, mainly studying on grid-connected photovoltaic power and control technology. Having a command of the photovoltaic power generation system present situation, influence, necessity and its prospects and focusing on understanding and mastering the principle of photovoltaic power generation. In addition, we study the performance of Boost circuit and DC/AC grid-connected inverter, analyze the grid-connected photovoltaic diagram, calculate and design the parameters. Based on the control technology of photovoltaic grid-connected generation system, we can apply them to photovoltaic power generation system. Finally, through saber simulation software, we can simulate and master output characteristics of PWM control technology and islanding effect under different environment. 
Key words: photovoltaic grid-connected power generation; phase-locked technology; the Boost circuit; DC/AC inverter; saber simulation  


摘要    I
Abstract    II
目录    III
第1章  绪论    1
1.1光伏发电产业的必要性及其发展    1
1.1.1光伏发电产业的必要性    1
1.1.2国外光伏发电产业的现状及其发展    1
1.1.3我国光伏发电产业的现状及其发展    2
1.2太阳能光伏发电系统的概述    4
1.2.1太阳能光伏发电的目的和意义    4
1.2.2太阳能光伏发电系统的分类    5
1.3并网控制技术的研究    6
1.3.1锁相环的分类    6
1.3.2锁相技术的发展史    6
1.3.3并网锁相环的应用现状    7
第2章 光伏并网发电的工作原理    8
2.1 并网逆变器    8
2.1.1光伏并网发电系统对逆变器的要求    8
2.1.2逆变器的结构    9
2.1.3逆变器的控制策略    11
2.2 光伏发电原理图    12
2.2.1主电路的拓扑结构分析    12
2.2.2DC—DC—AC并网发电电路的原理分析与设计    14
2.3 电路参数设计与计算    15
2.3.1开关器件以及滤波器的选择    15
2.3.2单相光伏并网系统主电路的参数设计与计算    18
第3章  光伏并网发电系统中的控制技术    28
3.1PWM控制技术[17]    28
3.1.1PWM控制的基本原理    28
3.1.2PWM逆变电路的控制方法    30
3.2 最大功率跟踪(MPPT)控制    33
3.2.1 MPPT控制的基本原理    33
3.2.2 主要的MPPT控制方法    34
3.3光伏并网系统逆变器的控制    36
3.3.1并网逆变器的拓扑    36
3.3.2光伏并网系统逆变器的控制方式    37
3.3.3输出电流的控制方式    38
3.4孤岛效应的检测与防护    41
3.4.1孤岛效应的发生以及危害    41
3.4.2孤岛效应的理论分析    42
3.4.3孤岛效应的检测方法    45
3.5锁相环的研究    46
3.5.1锁相环的组成    47
3.5.2锁相环的工作原理    48
第4章 光伏并网系统的建模与仿真    52
4.1saber仿真软件的简介    52
4.2光伏并网发电系统的建模与仿真    52
4.2.1PWM控制技术开环系统的仿真    52
4.2.2PWM控制技术闭环系统的仿真    54
4.2.3反孤岛效应的仿真    56
4.3光伏发电系统的仿真结果的分析与总结    57
4.3.1光伏发电系统的仿真结果的分析    57
4.3.2光伏并网发电系统的总结    58
结论    59
参考文献    60
致谢    62