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摘 要
关键字:电气设计   变电所    照明     弱电   防雷接地
The western suburbs of district no. 3 building electrical design
The building is located in nanjing area. Building 1 layer underground, nine floors, a total construction area of more than 6400 square meters, complicated structure, large scale.
The main content of this design include distribution main substation system, building design, grounding design, electrical design of each layer, as well as the distribution system, load calculation, power supply and voltage selection and equipment selection. Including power and intelligent systems control signals are buried into the ground floor of the building is required, the power supply adopts low voltage 0.38/0.22 KV introduction; Lighting system mainly includes the choice of intensity of illumination computation of lamps and lanterns and the number of sockets, residential lighting are obligate lamp holder; Substation as the box-type substation, decorate in the residential outdoor 2 sets, together into the line into residential interior; Elv system includes television telephone, network, etc.; Lightning protection, lightning protection grounding systems including the lightning protection level and various earthing selection and test method. In the power distribution system design, according to the load level and power requirements, determine the power supply mode of the residential buildings, to realize the reliability of power supply; According to the load calculation results and choose the high and low pressure protection appliances, wire and cable, etc.
Keyword: Electrical design; substation; lighting; Weak current; Lightning protection grounding



目  录
摘 要    I
第一章  绪论    1
1.1建筑电气概况    1
1.2工程概况    2
1.3设计内容    2
1.4设计目的    3
1.4.1毕业设计(论文)的基本要求    3
第二章  照明系统设计    4
2.1电气照明概述    4
2.2照明方式和照明种类    5
2.2.1照明方式的确定    5
2.2.2照明种类的确定    5
2.3照明光源选择    7
2.3.1照明光源选择一般原则    7
2.3.2照明灯具选择    7
2.4照度选择    10
2.4.1照度选择的重要性    10
2.4.2照度的稳定性    11
2.5设计结果    11
2.5.1具体照度、灯具选择    11
2.5.2应急照明    12
2.6照度计算    12
2.6.1灯具数量计算    12
2.6.2照明负荷平面布置    13
第三章  配电系统设计    15
3.1配电系统接线方式设计    15
3.1.1一般要求    15
3.1.2接线方式    15
3.1.3供电电源    16
3.2负荷统计    16
3.2.1负荷计算    16
3.3负荷等级及供电要求    19
3.3.1负荷等级分类    19
3.3.2供电要求    20
3.4变压器的选择    21
3.4.1类型选择    21
3.4.2台数选择    22
3.4.3容量选择    22
3.5接线方案    22
3.5.1步骤及基本原则    22
3.5.2一次侧接线设计    23
3.6变配电所平面布置图设计    24
3.6.1总体布置    24
3.6.2配电设备选型    24
3.6.3电气干线敷设    24
3.6.4与其他专业的配合    25
第四章 电线电缆选择校验    26
4.1高低压母线类型选择及敷设    26
4.2高压进出线电缆选择校验    27
4.3低压出线电缆选择校验    28
第五章  防雷接地系统设计    30
5.1建筑物防雷措施    30
5.1.1防雷措施简介    30
5.1.2建筑物的预计年雷击次数计算    30
5.1.3引下线及布置    33
5.2接地装置    34
5.3本建筑防雷接地系统设计结果    34
5.3.1 建筑物防雷系统设计    34
5.3.2 内部防雷系统设计    35
第六章  综合布线系统    37
6.1住宅大楼信息点分布及综合布线需求分析    37
6.1.1 家庭中各种功能的布线说明    37
6.2综合布线线缆、路由及保护设施    37
6.2.1缆线保护    37
6.2.2屏蔽接地    38
结 语    40
参考文献    41
致 谢    43