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Fieldbus is a rapidly growing industrial data bus technology, is an industrial automation in the underlying data communication network. It is a bus as the core, the industrial field of intelligent instrumentation, controllers, actuators and other field devices can be connected together to form a network to exchange control information.
This design CAN intelligent node consists of two functional circuit node and a communication circuit. Each node separately by the data acquisition circuit in accordance with the different functions, the data display circuit, keyboard input circuit, the motor control circuit and alarm circuit. Communication circuit section node in CAN bus controller SJA1000 core. Node function circuit performs related functions, the microcontroller to obtain information via the CAN bus controller to transfer data to other nodes.
From the aspect of communication between the research background, CAN bus protocol, CAN node CAN bus node function circuit and the application of CAN bus technology are described, and CAN bus node hardware design and software programming are introduced.
Keywords CAN bus; intelligent node; Embedded


第1章绪论    1
1.1 研究目的及意义    1
1.1.1 研究目的    1
1.1.2 研究意义    1
1.2 国内外的研究现状分析    1
1.2.1 现场总线简述    1
1.2.2  CAN总线简述    2
1.2.3 相关领域的研究进展和主要成果    2
第2章CAN总线特点及协议介绍    3
2.1 CAN总线特点    3
2.2 报文的传送及帧结构    3
2.2.1帧格式    4
2.2.2 帧类型    4
2.3 CAN总线通信原理    5
第3章CAN总线智能节点硬件设计    7
3.1 CAN总线芯片介绍    7
3.1.1 AT89C51简介    7
3.1.2 SJA1000简介    7
3.1.3 PAC82C250简介    9
3.2 节点硬件电路设计    10
3.3 CAN总线通信电路设计    12
3.3.1 单片机最小系统    12
3.3.2 CAN控制器SJA1000与单片机接口电路    13
3.3.3 CAN控制器SJA1000与驱动器82C250连接电路    14
3.4 节点功能电路    15
3.4.1 键盘扫描电路    15
3.4.2 显示电路    15
3.4.3 电机驱动及显示电路    16
3.4.4 传感器采集及A/D转换电路    17
第4章CAN总线智能节点软件设计    19
4.1 CAN总线节点程序设计    19
4.2 CAN总线通信程序    19
4.2.1 SJA1000初始化程序    19
4.2.2 CAN节点发送程序设计    21
4.2.3 CAN节点接收程序设计    22
4.3 节点功能程序    23
4.3.1 键盘扫描程序    23
4.3.2 LCD1602显示程序    25
4.3.3 A/D转换程序    26
4.3.4 电机控制程序    27
第5章调试与仿真    28
5.1 A/D与节点通讯调试    28
5.2 电机控制调试    28
5.3 系统完整功能调试    29
第6章结论    30
参考文献    31
致谢    54