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摘要 真正的程序员用c,聪明的程序员用Delphi”,这句话是对Delphi最经典、最实在的描述。Delphi被称为第四代编程语言,它具有简单、高效、功能强大的特点。和VC相比,Delphi更简单、更易于掌握,而在功能上却丝毫不逊色;和VB相比,Delphi则功能更强大、更实用。可以说Delphi同时兼备了VC功能强大和VB简单易学的特点。它一直是程序员至爱的编程工具。
关键词 窗体 对象 数据库 组件 函数 工程
Title Super municipal sale system
Abstract "the real procedure member uses the c, the intelligent procedure member uses the Delphi", this words is most classic and most actual to the Delphi .The Delphi were called the fourth on Plait distance language, it’s simple, efficiently, mighty characteristics in function.Compare with the VC, the Delphi is much easier on control, but on the function, it’s mighty characteristics too;Compare with the VB, the Delphi is stronger and biger and more practical.It’s can say that the Delphi have the mighty characteristics function of VC , at the same time it’s have easy to learn characteristics of VB.It is always the favorite plait distance tool to people
Keywords window object Database Module Function project