论文主要研究了各类立体停车库的结构和特点,并对立体停车库的设计要点进行了简要的说明.本文重点介绍了立体车库立体框架、升降机构以移动结构的设计和停车设备传动系统的设计.本设计升降机构采用滚筒带动钢丝绳提升的方式,具体介绍了升降传动系统中卷筒、滑轮、钢丝绳、链轮、链条等的选择和设计,材料的选择以及部分强度的校核,平移传动系统中采用带轮传动的方式,具体介绍了电动机、轨道、导轨、带轮、V带等的选择和设计。本设计的特色是: 节省资源,控制方便。
In this era of high cost of land, whether the rational use of space will have a huge impact on the development of the city, with the increasing development of society, parking problems affecting urban development has become a major criticism, and three-dimensional garage appears a good solution to this problem, is designed to enhance the utilization efficiency of space, the space of the sky to maximize parked vehicles.
This paper describes the structure and characteristics of the various types of parking,and design features parking is briefly described. This paper focuses on three-dimensional framework of the parking garage, the elevator mechanism to move the parking structure design and
transmission equipment design. this design uses drum driven wire rope hoist mechanism to enhance the way that specifically describe the lifting reel drive systems, pulleys, rope and other selection and design, choice of materials and some strength checking, the use of chain drive system translation wheel drive mode, specifically describe the sprockets, chains, motor, rail, rails, such as the selection and design. The main features of this design are: saving resources, easy to control.
Key word:Stereo garage, Rope drive, Chain drive

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1概述 1
1.2立体车库的特点 1
1.3研究的基本内容 2
第2章 立体车库整体方案的比较和选择 3
2.1移动方案的比较 3
2.2移动机构方式的选用 3
2.3提升机构所用方式的选用 4
2.4 车库的总体组成部分 4
第3章 车库各部分钢材的选取 5
3.1 车库边框上部分钢材的选择 5
3.2 支撑库架部分钢材的选择 5
3.3 上下层支撑钢的选择 5
3.4 升降台辅助支撑钢的选择 5
3.5 链轮支撑钢的选择 6
3.6 链轮辅助支撑钢的选择 6
3.7 滑轮支撑钢的选择 6
3.8 滑轮辅助支撑钢的选择 6
3.9 上下层支撑钢横向连接钢的选择 6
3.10 滑轮支撑钢横向连接钢的选择 7
3.11 链轮支撑钢横向连接钢的选择 7
3.12 载车板横向边缘钢 7
3.13载车板的结构和尺寸的设计计算 8
第4章 升降机构的设计计算 9
4.1 升降台的设计计算 9
4.2钢丝绳的选用计算 9
4.3 钢丝绳夹的选择 11
4.4 滑轮相关数据的设计 11
4.5 卷筒相关数据的设计 13
4.6 升降系统链及链轮的选择 16
4.7 升降用电动机的选择及校核 18
4.8 减速链条及链轮的设计计算 19
第5章 移动机构的设计计算 22
5.1 轨道和导轮的设计和选择 22
5.2 选择平移所用电动机 25
5.3选择所用联轴器 25
总结体会 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29