plastic industry is an emerging industry, is an important industry of modern industry, compared with other industries, it is a young but promising prospects of industrial sectors.
In machinery manufacturing, widely be used to make plastic parts and components. According to statistics, every year about 25% of the plastic used in several different departments of the industry. Plastic machinery along with the development of the industry and gradually grow up. In plastic machinery, plastic extruding machine is one of the most model, is one of the biggest plastic products manufactured processing machinery.
plastic extruder has the extensive application in modern industry, the adopting controllable dc motor driver, stepless speed regulation is stable and reliable, also can use variable frequency motor. Outside the barrel set electric heating device. By digital display temperature control meter to realize automatic temperature control and constant temperature. Overload protection with axial force and torque overload protection function. Adopts the intelligent double digital temperature controller, automatic control, high control precision.
the design of composite material conveying equipment, mainly solve the polyurethane, polyester hybrid materials in the molten state, segmentation of time-sharing transmission. Including power and the calculation of the transmission system, spiral mixing system calculation, the calculation of heating system, and the main parts of the check.
密度:0.03~0.07g/cm3 ,拉伸强度:8.83~117kPa ,伸长率(%):150~300,弯曲强度:0.196MPa,导热系数:0.034~0.041W/(m.K),熔点(℃):170~190。

前言 I
Abstract II
第一章 课题名称及原始参数 1
1.1课题名称 1
1.2原始参数 1
1.3 挤出成型过程流程图 1
第二章 螺杆设计 2
2.1螺杆材料的选择 2
2.2螺杆类型 2
2.3螺杆具体参数 2
第三章 挤塑机机筒设计 6
3.1机筒设计 6
3.2机筒的结构类型及选择 6
3.3机筒尺寸 7
3.4加料口的选择 7
3.5加料口的布置 8
3.6机筒材料的选择 8
第四章 螺杆安装形式及轴承选择 9
4.1螺杆轴承的选取 9
4.2轴承的冷却和润滑 10
4.3螺杆与传动轴的装配结构 10
4.4螺杆的装拆 11
第五章 电动机的选择 12
5.1传动系统的组成及传动形式 12
5.2挤塑机工作特性的概念 12
5.3挤塑机功率的确定 13
5.4挤塑机的转速要求极其调速范围 14
5.5传动系统的总体布置 17
5.6联轴器的选择 17
5.7支架设计 18
第六章 带轮设计 20
6.1计算功率及带齿轮尺寸的确定 20
第七章 挤塑机的螺杆与机筒的强度校核 24
7.1螺杆的强度校核 24
7.2机筒强度计算 27
第八章 挤塑机加热冷却系统的设计 30
8.1挤塑机的加热方式 30
8.2挤塑机的冷却系统 31
第九章 设计小结 32
参考文献 33
致谢 35