关键字:数控车床 主轴箱 传动 齿轮
Design of CNC hobbing machine headstock
Headstock are the main components of the machine, which is used to lay out the work spindle and transmission parts and corresponding additional institutions. Headstock adopts multilevel reduction gear. Each position inside the drive gear and drive shaft of the movement transmitted to the spindle, the spindle to obtain the specified speed and direction. Headstock drive system design and the various components of the headstock process directly affect the machine's performance.
CNC machine tool spindle box as the main drive system, which includes the motor, transmission and spindle assembly. And ordinary lathe headstock comparison is relatively simple, only two or three gear shifting system. It is mainly used to expand the range of variable speed motor to meet certain constant power, and speed issues.
The main subject of the content, in determining the modulus and workpiece diameter, calculate the maximum hobbling force, and then select the motor, transmission ratio distribution, design and check the shaft and parts to finalize the design of the headstock gear hobbling .
Keywords: CNC lathe;headstock;transmission;gear

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 数控滚齿机发展历史 1
1.2 数控滚齿机主轴箱设计概述 2
1.3 数控滚齿机主轴箱设计的发展趋势 3
1.4 本章小结 3
第二章 总体方案设计 4
2.1 原始设计参数 4
2.2 最大滚削力的计算 4
2.3 电机的选型各级传动比的分配 5
2.3.1 电机选型 5
2.3.2 计算总传动比及分配各级传动比 6
2.4 本章小结 7
第三章 主轴箱主要零件的设计和校核 8
3.1 各轴上齿轮设计和校核 8
3.1.1 Ⅰ轴上的齿轮 8
3.1.2 Ⅱ轴上的齿轮 11
3.1.3 Ⅲ轴上的齿轮 14
3.2 各轴结构设计及轴上零件选型 16
3.2.1 Ⅰ轴的设计 17
3.2.2 Ⅱ轴的设计 18
3.2.3 Ⅲ轴的设计 20
3.3各轴强度的校核 22
3.3.1 Ⅰ轴的校核 22
3.3.2 Ⅱ轴的校核 25
3.3.3 Ⅲ轴的校核 28
3.4 轴承的寿命校核 31
3.5 本章小结 32
第四章 传动轴三轴的有限元分析 33
4.1有限元软件ABAQUS的简介 33
4.2三轴的有限元分析 34
4.3本章小结 39
总 结 40
附录 41
参考文献 46