蔬菜大棚温度控制系统的设计(含Proteus仿真,Keil uVision程序)
蔬菜大棚温度控制系统的设计(含Proteus仿真,Keil uVision程序)(外文翻译,论文说明书11900字,Proteus仿真,Keil uVision程序,答辩PPT)
本设计使用KeilμVision5进行C语言程序编写,使用Proteus 8 Professional进行系统电路图绘制以及软件仿真。
关键字:单片机 温度控制系统 Proteus
Vegetable Greenhouse Temperature Control System
With the development of society, the cultivation of vegetables in more and more ways, the use of vegetable greenhouses planted vegetables are more and more widely, it can effectively improve the environmental impact, making vegetables can be more efficient planting.
The structure of the vegetable greenhouses prevents the loss of carbon dioxide, making the shed into a greenhouse. In the process of plant growth, the temperature plays a very critical role. So the need to control the temperature of vegetable greenhouses in order to make plants grow better. The design for the vegetable greenhouse temperature control system, the temperature of vegetable greenhouses, temperature control, thereby increasing production.
This design is based on single-chip vegetable greenhouse temperature control system. The main function of the system for the temperature detection, temperature display, the temperature exceeds the set range after the alarm, but also on the temperature control. Using the DS18B20 temperature sensor, LCD12232 LCD display, 74LS373 latch.
This design uses Keil μVision5 for C language programming, using Proteus 8 Professional for system circuit drawing and software simulation.
Keywords: Microcontrollers;Temperature Control System;Proteus

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1设计背景 1
1.2 国内发展 1
1.3 设计目的 1
第二章 系统分析 3
2.1 设计要求 3
2.2 系统设计 3
2.3 系统模块 3
2.4 软件介绍 4
2.4.1 Proteus 8 Professional 4
2.4.2 Keil μVision5 4
第三章 硬件介绍 5
3.1单片机 5
3.1.1 简介 5
3.1.2 引脚定义 5
3.1.3 输入/输出端口 6
3.1.4 基本电路 7
3.2 DS18B20 8
3.2.1 简介 8
3.2.2 工作原理 9
3.2.3 引脚定义 10
3.2.4 控制方法 10
3.3 74LS373 10
3.3.1 简介 10
3.3.2 引脚定义 12
3.3.3工作原理 12
3.4 LCD12232 13
3.4.1 简介 13
3.4.2 引脚定义 14
第四章 电路设计 16
4.1 温度检测 16
4.2 温度显示 16
4.3 报警电路 17
4.4 温度控制 18
4.5 温度设定 20
第五章 程序设计 20
5.1 系统主程序 20
5.2 DS18B20测温读取子程序 20
5.3 LCD12232显示子程序 20
5.4 温度控制子程序 20
第六章 系统仿真 20
6.1 系统调试 20
6.2 系统仿真 20
6.3仿真结果 20
结语 20
参考文献 20
致谢 20
附录 20