关键词:变电所 电缆桥架 高低压系统 等电位
High and Low Voltage Power Distribution Design New City Square
The project belong to a category of construction substation design, mainly in the state standardized manuals and buyer for the design task and requirements as the basis.Variable distribution system Urban Network 10 KV overhead high voltage power supply introducing, two transformers, standby each other,important load diesel generators.Diesel generators in the City Power network switching devices used chain.Fire equipment and other important double-load power supply.Distribution room is located in the ground floor in the basement distribution route through the laying of cable bridge,the bridge to be done to deal with fire.
Grounding devices basic principles and requirements:To make full use of natural grounding devices,and artificial grounding device as a supplement.Grounding devices and the installation of electrical equipment should meet the grounding resistance requirement.Artificial grounding in the devices planted,the ground to ensure that the potential evenly distributed as possible to protect their personal safety.
The project design is the pursuit of safety,reliability,operability and economics.In terms of product choice,preference for good performance,multifunctional products,in order to ensure that the advanced nature of the design.
Keywords:Substations and Cable Bridge,High and Low Voltage Systems,Such Potential.

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1设计题目和工程概况 1
1.1.1设计题目 1
1.1.2工程概况 1
1.2设计原则和设计要求 1
1.2.1设计原则 1
1.2.2设计要求 1
1.3设计依据和设计程序 2
1.3.1设计依据 2
1.3.2设计程序 2
1.4设计任务及范围 2
第二章 方案设计与论证 4
2.1负荷等级 4
2.2供电电源 4
2.3电气主接线方案 4
2.4变配电所系统 5
第三章 负荷计算 6
3.1负荷计算 6
3.1.1计算方案中涉及到的公式: 6
3.1.2负荷计算和无功功率计算 6
3.2无功功率补偿 10
第四章 短路电流计算 12
4.1短路电流计算的目的及方法 12
4.2短路电流的计算 12
第五章 设备选择 15
5.1低压设备选择依据 15
5.1.1低压断路器选择依据 15
5.1.2低压电流互感器选择依据 15
5.1.3线缆选择依据 16
5.2低压设备选择 16
5.3导线校验 17
5.4变压器选择 17
5.5高压柜的选择 18
5.6高压设备的选择 18
5.7低压柜的选择 19
第六章 平面布置和接地 20
6.1变配电所平面布置相关规范: 20
6.2实际情况 20
6.3变配电室平面布置 20
6.3.1高压柜平面布置 20
6.3.2低压柜平面布置 21
6.4变配电所接地 21
总结 22
参考文献 23
致谢 24