There are many areas of agricultural use in greenhouses, they are relying on artificial experience to its regulation. This method is time-consuming and not easy to copy. Use of automated monitoring and control technology, with a wireless sensor network, network communications, WEB pages, solar-powered technology, the user will use agricultural greenhouses create more economic benefits, while energy saving.
(1) After learned the wireless sensor networks, network communications, WEB page making technologies, with the agricultural greenhouses actual usage data, this paper designed a remote monitoring system for greenhouses.
(2) Designed a overall architecture of the monitoring system. The system consist of wireless sensor networks, embedded control panel, motor control, and monitoring terminal server composition.
(3) Designed the hardware component of the monitoring system. The Zigbee wireless sensor network consists of wireless communications chip CC2530, temperature and humidity sensors DHT11 composition. Embedded development board by the ARM9 chip S3C2440 development board. The controlling part include motor and relays;
(4) Designed the software part of the monitoring system. Relying on Z-stack protocol stack written data collection and transmission program on the CC2530. Written on S3C2440 chip LINUX system GPIO driver and core control procedures. Prepared a program on the server to send and receive data CentOS system, data is stored in a database on the server, with the principle of separating the control and display, prepared WEB pages monitoring terminal.
(5) Laboratory simulation test, the paper design of the monitoring system, to complete the scheduled demand, various functions properly.
Key Words: Green house, Zigbee , Remote Control, Ebmdeded System

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 设计的背景和意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 总体工作内容及本文结构 2
第2章 需求分析及系统总体设计 3
2.1 需求分析 3
2.2 技术可行性分析 3
2.3 前景分析 3
2.4 系统总体框架设计 4
2.5 系统硬件设计 5
2.5.1 无线嵌入式传感网络的总体设计 5
2.5.2 嵌入式中心控制板的总体设计 6
2.5.3 太阳能供电设计 7
2.5.4 服务器及监控设备的总体设计 7
2.6 本章小结 8
第3章 系统具体设计与实现 9
3.1 Zigbee终端采集节点软件设计 9
3.1.1 DHT11传感器驱动程序设计 9
3.1.2 发送数据的格式设计 9
3.1.3 终端节点程序流程 10
3.2 Zigbee协调器节点软件设计 11
3.3 嵌入式控制模块的设计 12
3.3.1 软件平台的选择 12
3.3.2 交叉编译环境的建立 12
3.3.3 GPIO口驱动的设计 12
3.3.4 控制板数据收发程序设计 14
3.4 服务器功能设计 15
3.4.1 服务器数据收发程序设计 15
3.4.2 数据库设计 18
3.4.3 网页服务器设计 19
3.5 本章小结 20
第4章 系统的测试与分析 21
4.1 无线传感网络数据收发测试 21
4.2 嵌入式中心控制板GPIO驱动测试 21
4.3 嵌入式控制板与服务器数据收发程序的连接测试 22
4.4 终端设备浏览器监控操作测试 24
4.5 本章小结 25
第5章 结论及展望 27
5.1 全文总结 27
5.2 后期工作展望 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29