摘 要
关键词:目标跟踪 计算机视觉 背景减除 轮廓跟踪 核跟踪
A Study on Object Tracking Algorithms with OpenCV Library
Object tracking is a popular topic in the field of image signal processing and computer vision. It aims to detect the change of the position of moving objects in the image sequence through specific tracking algorithms. Object tracking technology is useful in different use-cases, revealing a promising future for its industry application.
The goal of a tracking application is task-specific. Meanwhile, different tracking objects have different external features. Nevertheless, real-world tracking applications should be able to handle various negative conditions, such as scale transformation, occlusion and high velocity. The complexity of background part in a video sequence also make it difficult to finish the tracking task. This article aims at two different scenarios, through the design of a feasible tracking scheme and algorithm flow, we achieve the goal of tracking for both cases. In view of the fact that the object's color features are distinct and have obvious contrast to the background in task 1, we adopt the color-based contour tracking scheme to achieve the ideal tracking performance; In task2, for there is a large part of static background region in collected video, we propose a kernel tracking scheme based on background subtraction, which significantly reduces the impact carried with the background region of the picture. With an acceptable performance trade-off, the tracking quality achieved with existing kernel tracking algorithms is significantly improved.
Keywords : object tracking;computer vision;background subtraction;kernel-based tracking

目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 设计背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 1
1.3 研究目标及内容 3
1.3.1 研究目标 3
1.3.2 研究内容 3
1.4 本文的组织 3
第二章 目标跟踪方法与实验准备 5
2.1 目标跟踪典型算法 5
2.1.1 Meanshift 5
2.1.2 CAMshift 5
2.1.3 核相关滤波 6
2.1.4 CSRT算法 6
2.2 目标跟踪相关技术 6
2.2.1 目标检测 6
2.2.2 图像滤波 7
2.2.3 背景减除 7
2.3 目标跟踪系统的评价 7
2.3.1 评价指标 7
2.3.2 基准测试 8
2.4 目标跟踪新技术 8
2.4.1 基于检测实现的目标跟踪 8
2.4.2 Tracking-Learning-Detection模型 9
2.4.3 Boosting 模型 9
2.4.4 孪生神经网络 9
2.5 硬件平台 10
2.6 软件平台 10
2.6.1 OpenCV 10
2.6.2 imutils 11
2.7 任务情景及实验数据 11
2.7.1 乒乓球跟踪实验 11
2.7.2 模型车辆跟踪实验 11
第三章 目标跟踪算法的研究与实现 13
3.1 基于颜色的目标跟踪算法研究 13
3.1.1 任务分析 13
3.1.2 方案设计 13
3.1.3 方案实现 15
3.1.4 实验结果 17
3.2 基于背景减除的目标跟踪算法研究 18
3.2.1 任务分析 18
3.2.2 方案设计 19
3.2.3 方案实现 19
3.2.4 实验结果 21
第四章 总结与展望 27
4.1 研究总结 27
4.2 思考与展望 27
参考文献 29
致 谢 31