摘 要
本设计软硬件结合,综合使用了VMware,SecureCRT,yuvplayer软件,LINUX,Ubuntu,Windows操作系统,Visual C++ 6.0,GCC开发平台以及C++语言进行开发。
关键词:Hi3516C/Hi3518 摄像头 驱动程序 灰度图像 帧差
Design of anti-theft system based on image recognition
The anti-theft system is divided into two parts. First, in the virtual machine for the hi3516C camera to prepare the video driver, so as to drive the camera to work, video shot. Secondly, after shooting the video, through the video image processing to determine whether there are suspicious human appearance in the camera, the alarm.
The purpose of this system is two, first for the new factory of the camera driver, to achieve monitoring of the area, followed by the realization of the human figure appears in the camera.
Today, the security system has been transferred from the original fuzzy concept to a new stage of rapid development. The demand for security system is becoming more and more widespread, and the potential market demand is gradually emerging.
In the use of anti-theft system, I first realized the basic function of the camera: camera alignment object area of video capture and processing, and after shooting the video is stored in gray image followed by the YUV file to store the processing function. Among them, the camera works through the COM port of the computer and the computer for data transmission. In the image processing, I used the frame difference recognition algorithm.
The design of software and hardware, integrated use of VMware, SecureCRT, yuvplayer software, LINUX, Ubuntu, Windows operating system, C++ Visual 6, GCC development platform and C++ language development.
Keywords: Hi3516C/Hi3518 camera; driver; gray image; frame difference

目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 引言 1
1.1背景 1
1.1.1 以摄像头为核心的防盗系统 1
1.1.2 以帧差处理为基础的图像识别 1
1.2 系统开发的意义 2
1.2.1 开发目的 2
1.2.2 图像识别中帧差处理的用途 2
1.3 论文的结构安排 2
1.4 本章小结 3
第二章 防盗系统相关技术的介绍 4
2.1 VMWARE介绍 4
2.4 LINUX介绍 4
2.5 UBUNTU介绍 4
2.6 VISUAL C++ 6.0介绍 4
2.7本章小结 4
第三章 系统分析 5
3.1可行性分析 5
3.2需求分析 5
3.3系统硬件设备及操作系统 6
3.4 系统开发平台 6
3.5 数据分析 6
3.5.1 摄像头驱动程序执行过程: 7
3.5.2 视频处理程序执行过程: 7
3.6 数据流图 7
3.7系统概述 7
3.8 本章小结 8
第四章 系统详细设计 9
4.1 程序设计流程图 9
4.2 系统运行过程详述 11
4.2.1 设备的启用与虚拟机的连接 11
4.2.2 驱动程序执行过程 13
4.2.3 图像识别程序执行过程 13
4.3 视频缓存池模块 13
4.4 视频输入模块 14
4.5 视频处理子系统模块 15
4.6 图像识别与报警模块 17
4.6.1 设备的启用与虚拟机的连接 17
4.6.2 帧差图像的判断与报警的控制 18
4.7“双影”与“空洞”问题的解决 19
4.7.1 “双影”与“空洞”问题的提出 19
4.7.2 两“双影”问题的解决方式 19
4.7.3 一“双影”一“空洞”问题的解决方式 20
4.7.4 问题的最终解决方式 20
4.8一些其他的模块 20
4.8.1 视频编码(VENC) 20
4.8.2 视频解码(VDEC) 21
4.7.3 智能加速引擎(IVE)模块 21
4.8文件内容与目录清单 21
4.9过程中遇到的困难和解决方式 22
4.8本章小结 24
第五章 系统测试 25
5.1功能测试 25
5.2测试结果分析 26
第六章 总结与展望 27
参考文献 28
致谢 29