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Since the 21st century, the Internet has developed at a speed that we can not imagine. This has also had a huge impact on the media development environment.People are constantly looking for new opportunities for business development. With the rapid progress of mobile terminals and online payment, the outlet of knowledge payment quietly flows into the knowledge-intensive industries, and all kinds of knowledge-based payment platforms have mushroomed into the market.Among them, there are many explored ways and paths for the development of various knowledge-based payment platforms.
At present, scholars have conducted a large amount of detailed studies on the social economy, content value and Luo thinking products. From the comparison of the difference between the social economy and the fan economy, the transformation of the traditional media in the social economic environment to the community Economic business model and marketing;From the transformation of traditional industries in the context of knowledge-based payment, the research of knowledge-based payment business model to the challenges and problems of knowledge-based payment. I found that very few scholars reflect on the platform of knowledge payment: After all, it is the user on the platform of knowledge payment pursuing high-quality knowledge content or searching for the identity of an elite intellectual? This will also be the breakthrough of this article.
This article mainly takes the development experience of APP as an example to provide some suggestions for the development of knowledge payment platform.This article mainly through four parts of research:The first part is the analysis of the concept of knowledge-based payment platform and its history and development of the industry were reviewed and summarized.The second part is based on the knowledge-based payment platform, for example, to study the social operation mode of knowledge-based payment platform. Firstly, it expounds the formation of community economy, secondly, the influence of audience positioning of knowledge-based payment platform on community operations. Finally, the community cohesion relied on the members' emotional recognition.The third part studies how his content value is presented as a knowledge platform. The first is a brief introduction to the current three models of content value development, followed by introduction and analysis of the resulting product positioning and content payment model. Finally, the author put forward a new idea of content value development.The fourth part mainly discusses some problems existing in the current platform of knowledge-based payment. When the development of knowledge-based payment platform is so hot, we need to think about it in a cool way to promote the rapid development of the industry.This is an era of development, but also an era full of opportunities. The ever-changing technology brings about earth-shaking changes both in society and in mankind.The rise of an industry need to grasp a variety of factors, knowledge is paid for such.From developing the community economy to emphasizing the value of the content and then thinking about the realistic problems, these are topics that the current media people can not buttress around.
          Key words: knowledge paying, community economy, getting, content value
第一章 绪论    1
1、1 研究缘起及问题的提出    1
1、2研究目的及研究意义    2
1、2、1研究目的    2
1、2、2研究意义    2
1、3 相关研究综述    3
1、3、1 关于知识付费的相关研究    3
1、3、2 关于内容价值的相关研究    5
1、3、3 关于社群经济的相关研究    7
1、3、4关于罗辑思维与其产品“得到”APP的相关研究    9
1、4研究资料与研究方法    11
第一章知识付费平台的行业历程与发展现状    12
1、1 知识付费概念解析    12
1、2知识付费平台的行业历程与发展概况    13
第二章知识付费平台“得到”的社群运营方式    14
2、1 “得到”社群经济的形成与发展    14
2、2准确的受众定位集结高质量用户社群    17
2、3情感认同增强得到APP社群凝聚力    19
2、3、1塑造魅力人格,形成社群品牌    19
2、3、2知识付费,迎合成员心理    20
第三章知识付费平台“得到APP”的内容价值呈现    21
3、1内容价值发展的三个模式    21
第一、内容价值1.0模式    22
第二、内容价值2.0模式    22
第三、内容价值3.0模式    22
3、2 得到APP的产品定位与内容付费模式    23
3、2、1得到的产品定位    23
3、2、2得到APP的内容付费模式    24
3、3内容价值发展新思路:KOL垂类知识与大数据推荐    26
3、3、1腰部KOL机会来临    26
3、3、2大数据推荐成为热门    27
第四章内容还是社群?知识付费平台的冷思考    28
4、1内容为王?大咖专栏的同质化倾向    28
4、2 会员专属?知识付费平台精英壁垒    30
4、3何时立法?保护知识版权    31
4、3、1现有法律能否安排好双方的权利义务    32
4、3、2是否需要对知识付费形成保护机制    32
结  语    35
附录:调查问卷    36
主要参考文献    39