摘要: 随着我国工农业的迅速发展,各种油类产品的使用越来越广泛,大量油类进入到水体环境中,造成水体污染,影响生态环境和人体健康。本论文将红麻秸秆经过碱性预处理和氧化改性后,用于吸附去除油类污染物。经实验表明,氧化改性后的红麻秸秆对食用油和机油的吸附量分别能达到8.2g/g和8.5g/g,明显高于原始红麻秸秆的吸附量5.1g/g、6.3g/g。改性后吸附材料的吸附性能随着氧化溶液pH先升高后降低。证明了改性红麻秸秆可以作为一种去除水中油污染的新型功能材料。
Study on modification of Kenaf straw and its oil absorption performance
Absrtact: With the rapid development of industry and agriculture in China, oil products are used more and more widely. A large number of oils enter the water environment, causing water pollution, affecting the ecological environment and human health. In this paper, kenaf straw is used to adsorb and remove oil pollutants after alkaline pretreatment and oxidation modification. The experimental results show that the adsorption capacity of oxidized kenaf straw to edible oil and oil can reach 8.2g/g and 8.5g/g, respectively, which is significantly higher than that of original kenaf straw (5.1g/g and 6.3g/g). The adsorption properties of the modified adsorbents first increased and then decreased with the increase of the pH of the oxidation solution. It is proved that modified kenaf straw can be used as a new functional material to remove oil pollution in water.
Key words: oily wastewater; pretreatment; modified kenaf straw; Oil absorption

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1含油废水污染 1
1.2含油废水的来源 1
1.3含油废水的危害 1
1.4含油废水的处理技术 1
1.5天然生物质吸油材料 3
1.6秸秆的改性方法 4
1.7红麻秸秆 5
1.8 研究思路和内容 5
第二章 实验材料与方法 5
2.1仪器设备 5
2.2化学试剂 5
2.3实验步骤 6
第三章 结果与讨论 7
3.1表观形态变化 7
3.2三种秸秆的红外表征 7
3.3三种秸秆在不同油品中的吸油性能 7
3.4PH对吸油量的影响 8
第四章 结论和展望 8
4.1结论 8
4.2展望 9
参考文献 9
致谢 11