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关键词:电子商务  营销策略  凡客诚品  统计调查
Eslite e-commerce marketing strategy analysis
 As we all know, in the fast-growing market, has become a leader in international e-commerce market. Its broad range of applications, face a variety of competition in the industry in order to become strong, the price war has been unable to meet the requirements in this highly competitive and comprehensive use of the electricity supplier will particularly important to all sectors need to work on to become a place, whether it is marketing strategy or service providers have become its aspects can be improved.
     On the basis of theoretical research related to Eslite as the research object, Eslite's marketing strategy is analyzed in order to identify its causes and winning the pitfalls, provide recommendations for the future of e-commerce marketing strategy. This paper uses a questionnaire, designed to address these factors questionnaire, which was granted, according to the data collection statistics were analyzed with the situation, understand some of the problems they face, and make recommendations for improvements and programs on this basis, maximize the benefits of the company's profits.
Eslite through e-commerce marketing strategy analysis, the theory is applied to a specific practice, in order to provide a reference for the study of e-commerce marketing strategy.
Keywords: e-commerce; marketing strategy;Eslite;Survey
摘要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景及意义    1
1.2 国内外研究现状    2
1.2.1 国外研究现状    2
1.2.2 国内研究现状    2
1.3 研究目的    3
1.3.1 研究内容    3
1.3.2 研究方法    3
第二章 文献综述    5
2.1传统营销与网络营销    5
2.1.1 传统营销概述    5
2.1.2 网络营销概述    5
2.1.3 网络营销与传统营销的区别联系    6
2.2网络营销策略概述    8
2.2.1 营销策略的定义与发展    8
2.2.2 营销策略的影响因素    8
2.3  研究方法概述    11
第三章  凡客诚品的发展与营销状况    12
3.1  凡客诚品发展历程    12
3.2  凡客诚品的营销状况    12
第四章  凡客诚品网络营销调查与分析    14
4.1  设计调查问卷    14
4.2  发放调查问卷    14
4.3  回收调查问卷    15
4.4  数据整理    15
4.5  基本情况    16
4.5.1 性别情况分析    16
4.5.2 年龄情况分析    17
4.5.3 收入水平的状况    17
4.5.4 被调查者学历状况    18
4.6  网购情况分析    19
4.6.1 被调查者网购经历比例状况    19
4.6.2 购物平台的热门度情况    19
4.6.3 最能打动消费者的营销手段的状况    20
4.6.4 网购时对卖家的选择标准的情况    20
4.6.5 网购缺点的状况    21
4.7  凡客网络营销的基本状况    22
4.7.1 对于凡客的认识度情况    22
4.7.2 知晓凡客诚品渠道的状况    22
4.7.3凡客产品的购买率情况    23
4.7.4 凡客诚品的价位情况分析    23
4.7.5 凡客网络广告投放量情况分析    24
4.7.6 大众对凡客质量的评价情况    24
4.7.7 发货速度状况分析    25
4.7.8 对凡客诚品售后服务的情况分析    25
4.7.9 凡客总体性价比的情况    26
4.8  调查者建议情况    26
4.8.1 对于凡客建立线下实体店的情况的看法    26
4.8.2 对凡客目前营销方式的状况看法    26
4.8.3 企业的营销策略重点情况分析    27
4.8.4 对凡客诚品电子商务营销的情况看法    27
4.8.5 网络营销购物平台中的佼佼者的情况    28
4.8.6 对凡客诚品电子商务营销情况的建议    29
第五章 凡客诚品网络营销策略改进方案    31
    5.1  存在的问题    31
    5.1.1品牌度不够,定位也不够清晰    31
    5.1.2没有过硬的产品质量和售后服务,缺乏诚信    31
    5.1.3物流配送不够完善    31
    5.1.4无实体店铺    32
5.2  改进的方案    32
    5.2.1树立品牌形象    32
    5.2.2在质量和售后服务上下功夫,提高诚信度    32
    5.2.3进行线下推广    32
    5.2.4建立实体店    33
结束语    33
附录    37
致谢    40