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In the face of underground disasters and accidents, the life safety of mine workers needs the comprehensive protection of the six safety systems in the mine, among which the emergency safety system is an important part of the six safety systems in the mine, and the underground safe room is the key of the emergency safety system. When a series of disasters such as fire collapse occur and people cannot be evacuated successfully, the refuge chamber can guarantee the safety of people to the maximum extent and reduce the casualties of accidents. Therefore, in order to effectively improve the safety assurance ability of mines, it is very necessary to establish the refuge chamber. Based on tin lead and zinc mine 2822 middle iron mountain refuge cavern design as an example, based on the middle floor plan, choosing reasonable location of safe-haven cavern, determine the safety line, according to the design requirements, complete including the scale of risk aversion cavern design and excavation supporting design, introduced the permanent asylum cavern of all kinds of basic function, the scheme design so as to complete the emergency actions caver.
Key word:Refuge chamber ;Safety guarantee;Chambersyst



第一章绪论    1
1.1矿山概况    1
1.2矿井及采区概况    1
1.2.1矿体的赋存情况    1
1.2.2地质构造    1
1.2.3水文地质    1
第二章避难硐室位置和紧急避难路线的选择    2
2.1位置选择的原则    2
2.2紧急避难路线    3
2.3避难硐室的结构图    4
第三章避难硐室的规模    5
第四章避难硐室的开挖爆破    6
4.1避难硐室断面的设计    6
4.2硐室的凿岩方式    6
4.2.1确定硐室开挖的影响因素    6
4.2.2施工方法的选择    6
4.2.3降尘方式    6
4.3爆破作业    7
4.3.1爆破器材    7
4.3.2爆破参数的确定    7
4.3.3装药结构    9
4.3.4起爆方式    9
4.3.5炮眼的布置情况    10
4.4装载与运转工作    11
4.5通风作业    11
4.5.1通风的必要性    11
4.5.2通风方式的选择    12
4.5.3工作面所需风量计算    12
4.5.4风筒的选择以及参数的计算    13
4.5.5局部风机的选型    15
第五章硐室的支护设计    16
5.1硐室常用的支护方式以及试用范围    16
5.2支护方法的选择    16
5.3锚网喷支护的主要支护原理    17
5.3.1锚杆支护的作用原理    17
5.3.2金属网的作用原理    17
5.3.3喷射混凝土的作用原理    17
5.4支护参数的计算    18
5.4.1锚杆参数确定    18
5.4.2金属网参数确定    18
5.4.3喷射混凝土参数确定    19
5.4.4巷道支护断面图    19
第六章避难硐室功能设计    20
6.1防爆密闭系统    20
6.2气幕喷淋系统    20
6.3监控监测系统    21
6.4人员定位系统    22
6.5供氧系统    23
6.5.1 供氧方案选择    23
6.5.2压风施救系统    23
6.5.3自备供氧装置    24
6.6供水施救系统    25
6.7环境控制系统    26
6.8通讯、照明、供电系统    26
6.9人员生存保障系统    26
参考文献    28