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To promote the development of the insurance fund in yulin district of guangxi
[Abstract]  Located in the southern part of guangxizhuang autonomous region, yulin city is a city with more than two thousand years of cultural history. "lingnanmeyuyu" is the best interpretation of its name. Despite the "Chinese medicine capital", "China's excellent tourism city" and other beautiful names of yulin, there are many factors that restrict the development of health insurance funds. This paper based on the status quo of the medical insurance fund in yulin, the influence of medical insurance fund, and the factors which restrict the development of the medical insurance fund, etc, combined with local actual situation proposed the countermeasures to promote the development of guangxiyulin district health care fund.
[Key words]  Health care fund, insurance mechanism, medicare

目    录
一、医保基金概述    3
(一)医保基金的含义    3
(二)医保基金的特点    3
二、广西玉林市医保基金的现状分析    4
(一)支付制度与办理流程    4
(二)每一个保险系统的缴费标准    5
(三)玉林市卫生资源现状    6
(四)居民的参保率现状    6
(五)医保基金报销现状    7
三、广西玉林医保基金存在的问题    8
(一)办理流程复杂,拨付制度不够完善    8
(二)同时存在多个医疗保险信息系统    9
(三)卫生技术人才缺乏,服务能力低下    9
(四)居民对医疗保险的认知少    10
(五)异地报销制度不完善    10
四、促进玉林医保基金发展的建议    11
(一)简化办理流程,进一步加快医疗保险基金的拨付    11
(二)整合资源,加快统一保险信息系统的步伐    11
(三)加强对卫生技术人才引进    11
(四)在当地开展普及医保知识的专题讲座    12
(五)完善异地报销制度    12
五、结语    13