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The financial position and operation result of the enterprise constitute the analysis of the financial statements, and the current management situation of the enterprise can be read from the analysis result, and the management information shows the face of each link of the enterprise in the operation. As the manager of the enterprise, the information reflected in the financial statements can be summarized, the lessons of the past management are summarized, the current financial situation of the enterprise is objectively evaluated, and the future development trend of the enterprise is determined. From this financial statement, it is also possible to read out the management concept of the enterprise, the management strategy and the quality of the management. The attribution and benefits of the enterprise resource and the change of the fund are shown by a series of report data . Taking Zhongfu Industrial as an example, this paper analyzes its operating environment from the point of view of management, and takes the financial position quality analysis method to the financial statements of the Company, so as to interpret the financial position quality information and the management quality information, and then to decrypt the financial position quality of the enterprise. The management quality and the implementation of the operation strategy of the enterprise, according to the information in the hand, reasonably speculates the future development of the enterprise. Different from the analysis of the traditional ratio analysis financial statements in the past, this paper will combine the analysis of the financial situation and the analysis of the financial statements, and try to make a new method of financial statement analysis.

KeyWords:Financial statements; Zhongfu industrial; profitability

一、绪论    1
(一)研究的背景和意义    1
1.研究的背景    1
2.研究的意义    1
(二)文献综述    1
1.国内文献综述    1
2.国外文献综述    2
(三)研究的主要内容和方法    3
1.研究的主要内容    3
2.研究的主要方法    3
二、盈利能力研究的相关理论基础    4
(一)相关概念的界定    4
1.杜邦分析体系    4
2.盈利能力分析    4
(二)杜邦财务分析法    5
1.杜邦财务分析法的基本理论    5
2.基于杜邦分析法的盈利能力因素分解分析    6
三、中孚实业公司概况及主要盈利能力指标分析    7
(一)公司的基本概况    8
(二)主要盈利能力指标分析    8
四、基于杜邦分析法的中孚实业公司盈利能力分析    9
(一)对传统杜邦分析法的改进    9
(二)杜邦分析法下的中孚实业公司盈利能力影响因素分析    10
1.总体分析    10
2.净利息收益率分析    11
3.权益乘数分析    11
五、中孚实业盈利能力的问题及对策建议    12
(一)中孚实业盈利能力的问题分析    12
1.期间费用控制差.    12
2.净利息收益率不稳定    12
3.财务杠杆使用程度不高    13
4.同行业竞争激烈,没有创新    13
(二)提高中孚实业盈利能力的对策建议    13
1.加强期间费用控制管理    13
2.加强利息收入管理    14
3.增强财务杠杆,优化资本结构    15
4.实施适当战略管理    15
结论    15
参考文献    16
致谢    18