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As a life-saving medical treatment, organ transplant is a double-edged sword.On one hand, organ transplant saves thousands of peoples’ lives, which is of benefit to mankind.On the other hand, the development of organ transplant brings great challenges to legal and ethical fields.Advances in medical science requires the escort of the law, nevertheless, compared with the developed countries in the same period, the legislation of organ transplantation in China is outdated, and moreover, relevant legislation is also relatively lagging behind.What is worse is that there are relatively few provisions concerning the donor of organ transplant in existing laws.Supposing that the donor, the principal of organ transplantation,their rights in organ transplant surgery are not guaranteed by current laws.It will undoubtedly become an obstacle to developing medical treatment. As a consequence, this article is through analyzing a case and studying the existing laws on organ transplant and make some suggestions to improve China's legislation concerning organ transplant recipients,so as to be helpful to solve the relevant problems and find a balance between morality and law.
KEYWORDS:organ donation, organ transplant, the donor, protection

中文摘要    I
目录    III
前言    1
一、由一则案例引发对器官移植受供体法律问题的思考    2
二、 我国器官移植受供体立法现状及局限性    2
(一) 立法现状    2
(二) 现行立法局限性    3
三、 规范器官移植受供体的理论探讨    4
(一) 有关供体的理论探讨    4
(二) 有关受体的理论探讨    8
四、 我国有关器官移植受供体立法的完善    9
(一) 供体撤销权和物质保障的限制    9
(二) 适当扩大受、供体范围    10
(三) 建立奖励机制和专项医疗保障金等资助项目    11
(四) 构建统一的器官分配制度    12
参考文献    13