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Study on the promotion of Hainan Li nationality culture tourism attraction
[Abstract] Hainan Li is one of the native ethnic groups in Hainan, as early as seven thousand years ago prehistoric civilization period, the ancestors had settled in Hainan Island. Hainan Li cultural heritage after thousands of years of development, whether from the tattoo culture or brocade production has distinct regional characteristics and national characteristics, the national culture has important research value. Especially with three thousand years of heritage of the brocade in 2009 was listed as a UNESCO World Intangible Cultural heritage. While Li tattoos is developing history with more than seven thousand years of Li nationality, reflects the whole Li ethnic culture. Hainan Li tattoo and brocade in Hainan tourism development also plays an important role, at the same time, also has a strong attraction. At present, Hainan Li culture has been playing a brand of cultural tourism in Hainan, how to enhance Hainan cultural tourism attraction for Li Li is essential to build cultural tourism brand.
[keyword]: Li; cultural tourism attraction;

目    录
摘要    I
目录    III
一.绪论    1
(一)选题背景    1
(二)选题意义    1
(三)研究方法    1
1.文献综合研究法    1
2.调查分析法    1
(四)研究框架    1
(五)文献综述    2
1.国内文献综述    2
2.国外文献综述    3
二、黎族文化概述    4
(一)黎族文身    4
1.黎族文身的起源    4
2.黎族文身的演变    4
(3)黎族文身的文化内涵    5
(二)黎族织锦    5
1.黎锦的起源    6
2.黎锦图案的传承    6
3.黎锦图案的文化内涵    6
(三)黎族其他文化    6
三、海南黎族文化旅游吸引力现状研究    7
(一)海南黎族的文化旅游吸引力研究    7
(二)海南黎族文化旅游当前发展模式    7
四、提升海南黎族文化旅游吸引力的建议    8
(一)普及文化保护的观念意识    8
(二)加强对黎族文化的学术研究,挖掘民族文化内涵    8
参考文献    10