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关键词:财务风险 成因分析 防范措施

Enterprise in the business process faced all kinds of risk, financial risk as one important part by the people more and more attention. In order to guarantee the normal production and business operators to ensure realization of the target of the management shall make reasonable financial risk management, the right to avoid and reduce risk the damage. Financial risk is modern enterprise to face the market competition inevitable product, to completely eliminate risk and its influence is unrealistic. Therefore, requests the enterprise can learn about the risks of the cause and objectively analysis and understanding financial risk, and proper control and prevention, for enterprise to create the greatest gains. To analysis and the prevention of the financial risk be studied to reduce the risks and improve efficiency, has the extremely vital significance.

Key words:Financial risk   Genesis analysis  Preventive measures

目     录
一、课题的研究意义    4
二、财务风险的含义及其表现形式    4
(一)财务风险的含义    4
(二)财务风险的表现形式    5
三、财务风险形成的原因    6
(一)外部原因    6
(二)内部原因    6
四、财务风险的主要内容    8
(一)筹资风险    8
(二)利率风险    8
(三)投资风险    8
(四)资金回收风险    8
(五)信用风险    8
(六)汇率风险    9
(七)资本营运风险    9
(八)收益分配风险    9
五、针对风险内容,采取防范措施    10
(一)合理安排企业资本结构    10
(二)提高财务人员风险意识    10
(三)建立财务预警系统    10
(四)加强企业财务风险控制    11
六、企业案例分析    12
(一)南京仁杰电子有限公司    12
(二)天津泰达控股有限公司    13
结束语    14
参考文献    15
致谢    15