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摘    要


Mountain city is analysed the financial risk management of the company
    Financial risk refers to the possibility that the enterprise suffers losses due to the uncertain financial situation in the process of financial activities. In recent years, our country enterprise financial risk to enterprise survival difficult or even bankruptcy phenomenon is increasing, which is mainly due to the enterprise financial risk control is bad, ignore risk and corporate investment decision-making mistakes. Therefore, we must objectively analyze and understand the risks, strengthen financial risk management, to take various measures to control and prevent the occurrence of risks, and constantly enhance their ability to resist risks, guarantee the safe and steady development. As a signal of enterprise management, financial risk is also the inevitable outcome of modern enterprises facing the competition of market economy. To some extent, it affects the life and death of the enterprise, so it is of great significance to do well in the financial risk management and to avoid the possibility of risk management in the enterprise financial management.

KEYWORDS:mountain city company, financial risk, management and related measures

目    录
1 财务风险的内涵    1
1.1 关于对财务风险与财务风险管理的理解    1
1.2 财务风险管理对山市公司的重要性    2
2 山市在追求发展过程中所面临的财务风险问题    4
2.1 在多个项目上管理阶层财务风险意识淡薄    4
2.2 投资决策缺乏科学性导致投资收益不确定    4
2.3 公司高负债经营,资金运营周转受到阻碍    5
2.4 财务监控力度不足以及公司财务管理制度的缺乏    5
3 关于山市财务风险问题的成因分析    6
3.1 受宏观经济的复杂多变影响    6
3.2 不合理不健全的资本结构易造成公司财务风险偏高    6
3.3 公司管理有漏洞,财务管控体系混乱    7
3.4 财务管理人员能力有限,决策不科学    8
4 面对财务风险山市采取的控制措施    9
4.1 建立宏观经济预警机制,构筑防范财务风险屏障    9
4.2 优化资本结构,降低财务风险    10
4.3 加强财务人员风险意识    10
4.4 山市在财务软件方面采用EAS财务信息管理系统    11
4.5 对山市在关于财务风险管理与控制方面的经验进行总结    12
参考文献    13
后    记    14