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摘    要


Research and analysis of executive financial background and earnings management
Earnings management is an important means of capitalist market business individual, especially for listed companies, earnings management on the company's operations, enhance the competitiveness and expand market share is small, and the structure adjustment and the means of earnings management and corporate investment decision-making executives are closely related, but the decision and judging their own financial executives and cognitive background are inseparable. In view of this, the research on the relationship between the background of senior management and earnings management. Firstly the influence factors of financial background and earnings management analysis, and then from 2011 to 2013, Shanghai two features selected domestic executives financial background A shares of listed companies as the research sample, and establish a real and accrual earnings management, property rights and financial background of the regression model, the financial background and earnings management. To study the relationship between the different nature of property right and the two. At the end of study, executives of financial work experience inhibited the real earnings management of enterprises; in the different nature of the property rights of listed companies, state-owned properties of executives of financial education on earnings management of large. In addition, the company should adjust the conditions for hiring senior executives to hire people with a wealth of financial work experience, in order to provide more favorable accounting information for the company, to make more optimal capital regulation decisions.

KEYWORDS:executive financial background,earnings management,property rights,regression analysis
目    录
1 绪论    1
1.1 概述    1
1.2 文献综述    2
2 盈余管理的影响条件    4
2.1 董事会    4
2.2 信息披露质量    5
2.3 法律制度    5
2.4 产品市场竞争    5
3 数据与样本选取    6
3.1 国内公司高管财务背景    6
3.2 样本选取    7
4 变量定义及研究模型    8
4.1 盈余管理    8
4.2 高管及其财务背景的界定    9
4.3 控制变量    10
5 实证检验与分析    11
5.1 实证检验模型    11
5.2 实证检验分析    11
5.2.1 描述性统计分析    11
5.2.2 多元线性回归结果    13
参考文献    16
后    记    18