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Research on management accounting of small and medium sized enterprises
摘  要

 Management accounting, accounting is an integral part of the small and medium-sized enterprises in the financial management also has an indispensable positive role. At present, there are some deficiencies in the research, development and application of management accounting in our country. And from the point of view of China's economic and social development and reform, management accounting will play a more and more important role. Therefore, it is necessary to from the social environment of our country to proceed with the actual combination to further deepen the research and application of management accounting. To further improve the management accounting theory, in-depth study, is the urgent task of China's accounting development. This paper starts from the theory of management accounting, study of management accounting in China's development status and problems, based on our country small and medium-sized enterprise development reality, from the development of small and medium-sized enterprises face how to promote the development of management accounting, how to give full play to the role of management accounting some suggestions and countermeasures were put forward, carried on the summary and outlook.
Key words: management accounting; the development of small and medium-sized enterprises; accounting reform

目    录
1 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景    1
1.2 研究意义    1
1.3 研究内容    1
2 中小企业级管理会计的相关概述    2
2.1 中小企业的概述    2
2.2 中小企业的特点    2
2.3 管理会计的定义及目标    2
2.4 管理会计的主要内容    3
3 管理会计在中小企业管理中的应用现状及存在问题    4
3.1 国外中小企业应用现状    4
3.2 国内中小企业应用现状    4
3.3 没有健全的管理会计理论体系    4
3.4 中小企业内部管理制度不完善    5
3.5 相关工作人员素质较低    6
4 改善管理会计在我国中小企业应用的对策和建议    7
4.1 创造良好的管理会计环境    7
4.2 引入管理会计科学管理方法    8
4.3 加强内部控制    8
4.4 培养高素质管理会计师团队    9
5 结论    11
参考文献    12
致  谢    13