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关键词:酒店餐饮 成本控制 成本管理

Analysis of hotel cost control and management

Cost control runs through the whole process of hotel food and beverage cost., the factors that affect the cost in any process of food production and operation, all should be the content of hotel restaurant cost control. If the hotel food and beverage wants to get a foothold in the brutal competition system, it is necessary for it to carry out catering cost control and cost management according to its own business characteristics. The implementation of effective food and beverage cost control and management measures will promote the improvement of the overall economic efficiency of hotel catering and maximize hotel profits in China. In this paper, based on the literatures on the cost control and management of hotel catering in recent years, in view of the present situation and problem of cost control management of hotel in China, express my own opinions, put forward effective solutions to improve the market competitiveness of our hotels and get a higher profit margin. Finally, it is concluded that strengthening the hotel's catering cost control management concept has a far-reaching influence on the hotel's future development.
Keywords:  Hotel food and beverage  Cost control  Cost management