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摘    要


The use of notes to the accounting information
--Fujian Star - Net Communication Co., ltd. as an example
As we all know ,the accounting statement is the core of the financial reports.For many stakeholders, it is a vital document to indicate the financial conditions,the operating results and the cash flow of those enterprises during a certain period.As for the notes of financial statement, many of us consider it as an explanation and complement to the accounting statement.It may sound trivial. However, it plays the role of the most important touch of the accounting statement. Statement users would be assisted to predict and decide the market trends more accurately in that the accounting statement can be reflected more truly and fully by the attached notes. The thesis will be divided into four parts as follows. Firstly, the thesis will analyze the contents and functions of statement notes. Secondly, this thesis will reveal the problems of the attached notes. Thirdly, the utilization methods of the notes of the accounting statement will be also sorted out. Finally, in view of existence question, this thesis will make recommendations accordingly. This thesis will use concrete cases to analyze the utilization of the notes of accounting statement. In this detailed way, these users of the accounting statement will understand the contents of the financial statement more objectively. Furthermore, the users of the accounting statement will be guaranteed to get the maximum interest, and it is very significant to promote the development of the accounting profession.

KEYWORDS:notes to Financial Statements,information disclosure,The use of the user

目    录
1 绪论    1
1.1 研究目的及意义    1
1.1.1 研究目的    1
1.1.2 研究意义    1
1.2 文献综述    1
1.3 研究思路和方法    2
1.3.1 研究思路    2
1.3.2 研究方法    2
2 企业会计报表附注概述    3
2.1 会计报表附注的含义    3
2.2 会计报表附注的特点    3
2.3 会计报表附注的形式    3
2.4 会计报表附注的基本内容    3
3 企业会计报表附注披露的现状及原因    5
3.1 附注信息披露现状    5
3.1.1 披露不真实    5
3.1.2 披露不及时    5
3.1.3 披露不充分    5
3.1.4 披露不相关    6
3.1.5 披露不准确    6
3.2 附注信息披露问题的原因    6
4 结合具体案例分析附注信息的利用    7
4.1 债权人对附注信息的利用    7
4.1.1 短期偿债能力    7
4.1.2 长期偿债能力    8
4.2 股东对附注信息的利用    9
4.2.1 长期偿债能力    9
4.2.2 获利能力    9
4.3 企业管理层对附注信息的利用    11
5 会计附注信息利用    14
5.1 选取重要会计数据指标    14
5.2 历史对比分析表    14
5.2.1 偿债能力    15
5.2.2 获利能力    16
5.2.3 营运能力    17
5.3 行业对比分析表    18
参考文献    20
后    记    21