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摘  要

 With the complication of the company's business environment, the business risks faced by the company are also characterized by concealment, and internal control plays an important role in how to prevent risks. China's enterprises are facing more and more internal control risks. How to effectively prevent internal control risks and achieve healthy and sustainable development of the company has become a key factor in the success of Chinese enterprises. An effective internal control mechanism is an indispensable factor for the success of modern enterprises. A well-established internal control mechanism can help enterprises achieve their business objectives and ensure that all company rules and regulations are implemented and implemented so that they can be implemented in a timely manner during the company's operations. Finding and correcting mistakes, reducing the risks in the process of production and business operations and the losses caused by risks, and ensuring the healthy development of the company, therefore, this article has important implications for the study of internal control of enterprises in this context. Based on the research background of the article, this article summarizes domestic and international research on internal control, determines the content and methods of the article from the perspectives of the meaning, role, and methods of internal control, and summarizes the current situation and existing problems of internal control in China. The reasons for this problem exist, and on this basis, it proposes to improve the constructive suggestions for the internal control management of enterprises in China, and promote the establishment of sound internal control measures for enterprises in China to promote the healthy development of enterprises.
Keywords: Internal Control; Internal environment; Accounting Supervision; Business Activities 
目   录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
1 绪  论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究的目的和意义    1
1.3国内外研究现状    2
1.3.1国外研究现状    2
1.3.2国内研究现状    3
1.4研究内容与研究方法    4
1.4.1研究内容    4
1.4.2研究方法    4
2企业内部控制的相关理论    5
2.1企业内部控制的含义    5
2.2内部控制的重要性    5
2.3 内部控制五要素    5
2.3.1控制环境    5
2.3.2风险评估    6
2.3.3控制活动    6
2.3.4信息与沟通    6
2.3.5内部监督    6
2.4企业内部控制的方法    7
3企业内部控制存在的问题    9
3.1内部控制五要素存在的问题    9
3.1.1内部控制意识薄弱    9
3.1.2内部控制监督不严    9
3.1.3 风险管理机制不完备    9
3.1.4企业内部控制制度不合理    10
3.1.5组织内部信息沟通不畅    10
4企业内部控制存在问题的原因分析    11
4.1外部市场不完善    11
4.1.1外部市场不健全    11
4.1.2外部机构不完善    11
4.2 内部治理机构不健全    11
4.2.1缺少权利之间的制衡    11
4.2.2法人治理结构不合理    12
4.2.3内部控制范围狭窄    12
4.2.4内部控制人员素质不够高    12
5加强企业内部控制的对策建议    14
5.1外部环境的建设    14
5.1.1加强监督制约机制的建设    14
5.1.2建立良好的法律制度环境    14
5.2加强企业内部控制环境建设    14
5.2.1完善企业的管理机制    14
5.2.2规范企业管理结构    14
5.2.3明确内部控制的地位    15
5.2.4加强内部控制的实施力度    15
5.2.5加强内部控制人员队伍建设    16
参考文献    19
致  谢    20