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摘    要

关键词: 汽车销售业,电子商务,O2O模式

Selling cars O2O model analysis
O2O mode is a kind of new pattern that combines traditional business mode and Internet online mode, which can be used to deal with the problem of electronic commerce in most of the industry. With the development of network technology, in the process of integration of the Internet and the traditional industry, the network marketing mode and the auto sales industry are constantly merging and developing into one of the main sales model in the industry. Especially in these years automotive e-commerce platform continue to emerge, the industry car prices for a new path of development has begun to enter the Internet sales, and launched this o2o newline marketing mode. In this thesis, first the development of domestic car sales industry are summarized, and the automotive industry, sales of o2o mode at home and abroad development present situation carries on the analysis, based on the investigation, analysis conclusion and some problems, and then study of the current car sales industry o2o mode and put forward some suggestions.

KEYWORDS:automobile sales industry,Electronic commerce, O2O model

目    录
1 导 论    1
1.1 选题背景    1
1.2 选题意义    1
1.3 文献概述    2
1.3.1 汽车销售业O2O模式下的优势    2
1.3.2 汽车销售业O2O模式未来发展趋势    3
1.4 论文研究方法    4
1.5 论文研究内容    4
2 现状分析    5
2.1 汽车销售业发展概述    5
2.2 汽车销售业O2O模式国内外发展现状    6
2.3 调查问卷    7
2.3.1 调查方法    7
2.3.2 调查对象因素    7
2.3.3 调查结果分析    8
2.4 O2O销售模式下目前存在的问题    9
3 汽车销售业O2O模式研究及创新    10
3.1 O2O模式汽车销售流程    10
3.2 现有传统汽车销售模式研究    10
3.3 O2O模式带给现有汽车销售业的变革    11
3.3.1 O2O模式对消费者及汽车销售业的影响    11
3.3.2 O2O模式下汽车销售业务的发展趋势    12
3.4 现有汽车销售模式的创新    12
4 O2O模式下汽车销售业的总结及建议    13
4.1 O2O模式下汽车销售业的总结    13
4.2 2O模式下汽车销售业的建议    13
4.2.1 充分利用新媒体的宣传,做好阶段性营销热点    14
4.2.2 弥补技术层面不足,注重培养综合型人才在技术层面    14
4.2.3 网络活动形式多元化,实施口碑营销策略    14
参考文献    15
后    记    16