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摘  要:随着我国进入汽车时代,醉酒驾驶犯罪造成的问题也日益突出,愈演愈烈的醉酒驾驶交通肇事案件引起了刑法理论以及司法实践的广泛关注。不管是刑法理论界还是司法实践都将注意的焦点聚集于定罪上,对醉酒驾驶的行为人定交通肇事罪、以危险方法危害公共安全罪还是其他罪名,一直备受争议,所以醉酒驾驶单独成罪的呼声也日益高涨。本文主要是就醉酒驾驶的界定、醉酒驾驶的立法意义及醉酒驾驶的立法设计三个大的方面来针对醉酒驾驶罪的构成以及醉酒驾驶罪有关的问题作一些简单讨论,以期对司法实践有所裨益。

On the Drunken Driving Charge
Abstract: As China entered the automobile age, the problems caused by drunk driving offenses are also increasingly prominent and intensified the drunk driving Traffic Accident caused a theory of criminal law and judicial practice of attention. Whether criminal law class and judicial practice will focus attention on the aggregation of the conviction.the behavior of man-on drunken driving traffic accident crime to the crime of endangering public safety hazard method or other charges,has been controversial. Therefore, as a separate crime of drunk driving a growing need. Here, mainly on the definition of drunken driving,drunk- en driving and drunken driving legislation significance of the three major aspects of legislation designe- d to target the crime of drunk driving and drunken driving charge a few simple issues related to the disc- ussion To benefit the judicial practice.
Key words: Drunk driving; Recognized standards; Legislative significance; Constitute a crime
