摘 要:演讲作为一种特殊的表达方式,在社会活动中扮演越来越重要的角色,而人们对演讲词的内容以及形式的要求也在不断提高。功能语法是语用学的一个重要内 容,其三大纯理功能对演讲词的研究有很重要的指导意义。鉴于此,本文试图从功能语法角度对演讲词的衔接进行分析与研究,主要通过其中的语篇功能语义系统去 讨论其在现有成功演讲词实例中的实现情况,揭示语言模式的选择与所要表达意义之间的关系,从而说明演讲者如何做到用语言同听者建立起有效的联系,表达出自 己的态度及观点。最后,本文的结论:在写作和应用演讲词这一特殊文本时,必须要确定演讲者在演讲这一活动中所扮演的角色及目的,然后通过各种合理的衔接方 式将作者的意图连接起来,以实现角色,达到更好的演讲效果。
关键词:功能语法; 演讲词; 衔接
Cohesion in Speech Writing from the Perspective of Functional Grammar
Abstract: Speech, with its special characteristics, plays an increasingly important role in social activities. Thus people’s level of appreciation to speech writing is also rising. Functional grammar is an important part of pragmatic study. Its three meta-functions are meaningful to the study of the speech writing. Therefore, this paper attempts to analyze speech writing on cohesion from the perspective of functional grammar. And it mainly uses textual function part of functional grammar to discuss the application and reflection of them in some successful speech writing to review the relationship between the choice of lingual model and the meaning to be expressed, so that it concludes the way of constituting effective connection between the speaker and the audience. Lastly, this paper reaches the conclusion: in speech writing, the speakers must define their roles and their goals in the speeches, and then link the willing of speakers through rational methods of cohesion so that they can play their role and make the speech successful.
Key words: functional grammar; speech writing; cohesion