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关键词: 利率;融资;金融风险;自我实现;信贷消费;防火墙

Financial Crisis and Corporate Acquisitions Case Study
From the 1980s to the present, we have experienced many financial crises. The most serious recent crises is 2007 U.S. subprime mortgage crisis and European debt crisis. Although modern economics and finance theory has been made in development, however, we still seemed unable to avoid the phenomenon of the financial crisis which is bound to break out from time to time. This article will summarize some common features of the financial crisis occurred in the past and periodic outbreak of financial crisis to impact of corporate merger and acquisition activity。 In this paper believe that cyclical financial crisis and the country's macroeconomic indicators, economic development policies have very close ties. Under highly developed modern financial markets , the financial crisis has some kind of "self-realization" of the trend on a certain extent . Investment behavior of enterprises, in particular mergers and acquisitions, must be noted that the current economic and financial environment becomes increasingly turbulent. Financing under full market conditions must be taking into account that the cyclical financial crisis may bring additional risks. Finally, we make a brief risk analysis to the case of the acquisition of Volvo and Geely.

Keywords: Interest rate; Financing; Financial risks; Self-realization; Consumer credit; Firewall

第一部分 选题说明    1
(一)研究的背景及意义    1
(二)研究的现状    1
(三)研究思路和主要内容    1
(四)研究方法    1
(五)论文的创新点、重点和难点    2
第二部分 吉利并购沃尔沃的案例    3
一 吉利并购沃尔沃的背景    3
(一)国债,货币与GDP发展趋势    3
(二)2007年美国次贷危机    8
(三)2010年希腊债务危机(欧债危机)    10
(四)金融危机的自我实现    12
二 吉利并购沃尔沃的案例描述    14
(一)吉利并购沃尔沃的过程    15
(二)关于吉利的融资活动    16
第三部分 案例分析    21
(一)风险分析    21
(二)结论    23
参考文献    24
致谢    24