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摘  要

关键词  商业银行  税收负担  税收政策

Tax issues facing commercial banks. This not only seriously affected the level of profitability, but also improve the competitiveness of China's banking industry to meet the challenges of foreign banks, and put forard a huge obstacle to reform. On the basis of the general analysis of the impact of China's current banking tax burden on banks, the paper uses the data of commercial banks to carry out the empirical test on the relationship beteen the tax burden of bank and bank performance. The results sho that tax burden has a significant negative effect on commercial banks' operating performance, reducing the tax burden can improve the performance and market competitiveness of commercial banks. In addition, this paper analyzes the tax burden of China's commercial banks and other industries.

Key words   commercial banks   tax burden  tax policy


目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
一、 绪论    1
(一)研究背景    1
(二)研究目的及意义    1
(三)研究的内容与方法    2
二、 营改增与商业银行负税概述    3
(一)营改增理论分析    3
(二)我国银行业税收概述    4
三、营改增下商业银行税负现状分析    7
(一)商业银行税负分析    7
(二)商业银行营业税制存在的问题    8
(三)商业银行流转税制存在的问题    9
四、营改增下商业银行税负问题的原因    11
(一)营业税税率较高    11
(二)重复征税现象严重    11
(三)税收优惠政策的缺失    12
(四)税负不公与过重分析    13
(五)营改增对商业银行税负的影响    14
五、营改增对商业银行税负影响问题的解决措施    15
     (一)合理运用税收政策    15
     (二)完善财税管理    16
(三)完善发票管理制度    16
(四)加强相关人员培训    17
(五)完善税务组织框架    17
结  论    19
致  谢    20
参考文献    21