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With the economic reform in twentieth Century, the scale of small and medium enterprises in our country is changing, and the impact on society is more and more big. The development of small and medium-sized enterprises, to a certain extent, affect the development of China's economy, the national economy is not a part of the lack of. The small and medium-sized enterprise not only occupies an important position in our country, but also has the important status in the world, especially some developed countries. After 30 years of reform and opening up, China's small and medium enterprises have made great progress, which has made important contributions to our country's economy, but there is still a gap between the level of development and the western developed countries. At present, the small and medium-sized enterprises in our country have great influence on the socialist market economy, the development of small and medium-sized enterprises can promote the sustained and healthy growth of the national economy. Small and medium-sized enterprises, the development cycle is: "develop a growth decline", but we are eager to do unlimited extension of the development cycle, because it is difficult to achieve the desired development cycle, so the path of development of SMEs is tortuous. Now the main problem is the development of small and medium enterprises financing is difficult, and the problem of financing has become a global issue of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, countries around the world have taken various measures to solve this problem.
Key words: small and medium sized enterprises; financing; venture capital; channel
