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The wide application of information technology not only changed the people's way of life and working environment, and the enterprise competition environment gave birth to great effect, but it also has a strong impact on the financial and accounting theory and real. Network finance is our country accounting calculation of modern science and technology and the rapid development of the product, it is mainly due to computer network technology, especially the rapid development of Internet technology and enterprise to carry out the needs of electronic commerce, it not only reduces the cost of financial management, and improves the efficiency of accounting information processing. However the confidentiality of the Internet's openness and financial data in the financial system in the network become a pair of sharp contradictions, network finance and closed the enterprise accounting calculation systems compared also faces a lot of new risk, security issues become very important. To solve this problem, the financial network features, functions and advantages and financial network safety problems and risks of in-depth analysis, and put forward the countermeasures and suggestions for coping with some.
Key words: network finance; security problem; countermeasure

一 绪论    4
(一)研究背景    4
(二)研究目的及意义    4
(三)研究的范围    5
二 网络财务风险概述    8
(一)网络财务风险的定义    8
(二)网络财务风险的特点    9
三 网络财务风险发展    12
(一)网络财务风险的发展现状    12
(二)网络财务风险的发展趋势    13
(三)网络财务风险的引发问题    14
四 网络财务风险防范措施    18
(一)网络财务风险管理存在的问题    18
1会计信息面临安全风险    18
2 网络系统面临安全风险    18
3企业内部控制面临失效风险    19
(二)网络财务存在的问题及风险提出合理化的建议与对策    20
1会计信息安全对策    20
2网络系统安全对策    20
3网络系统内部控制对策    21
4会计档案管理对策    21
5企业人才策略    22
小结    23
参考文献    24