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摘  要

关键词  存货管理 存货资金 存货量
Inventory is to meet the normal production and sales of the company's liquidity needs, can bring economic benefits to enterprises of important economic resources to bring economic benefits. At present, China's enterprise inventory funds accounted for about 30% of the total capital of 20%, and even more than 50% of the proportion of enterprises, which determines the balance of enterprise inventory management in the entire capital flow management, but also indicates that the phenomenon of inventory funds precipitation is more serious and widespread, increasing the use of corporate funds and inventory risk costs.
Since industrialization, in China and abroad, people have been exploring and studying the theory and practice of inventory management, and put forward a lot of inventory management models and methods, and have achieved good results in practical application. In our country, because of the influence of various kinds of reasons, there are many problems in the inventory management. As our country from the planned economy into the market economy time is not long, the traditional inventory management ideas and methods are still constrained people's thinking and behavior, which restricts the advanced inventory management theory in practice application and development, making the overall inventory management level is not high, the most prominent problem is the inventory has been high, and even the upward trend.

Keywords:Inventory management  Inventory capital  inventories
目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
目  录    III
一、绪论    1
(一)研究背景    1
(二)研究目的及意义    2
(三)研究的范围    2
二、企业存货管理相关理论    3
(一)存货管理相关概念    3
(二)存货管理方法    4
1.ABC存货分类管理法    4
2.零存货管理模式    5
3.供应商管理存货模式    5
三、企业存货管理现状与存在的问题    7
(一)企业存货管理现状    7
(二)市场波动影响存货价值较大    7
(三)盲目采购造成存货压力    8
(四)资源分配不合理    8
(五)公司存货风险评估所存在问题    9
(六)存货管理流程中风险控制点没有明确的分析和规定。    9
(七)公司的存货盘点制度存在漏洞    9
(八)公司存货控制信息与沟通存在问题    10
(九)公司存货控制监督存在问题分析    10
四、企业存货管理存在问题的原因分析    11
(一)存货分类问题分析    11
(二)采购问题分析    11
(三)存货价值受成本计量方法的影响    12
(四)存货管理思想落后    12
五、 企业存货管理的改善对策    14
(一)采用ABC存货分类管理模式    14
(二)优化采购组织和流程    14
(三)加强存货业务内部控制    14
(四)加强企业存货管理意识    15
(五)引入风险评估机制对于公司存货管理进行评估    15
(六)完善存货内部控制信息与沟通系统    15
结论    16
致谢    17
参考文献    18