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摘要:近年来,随着网络等媒体的迅速发展,网络小说也随之快速发展起来,网络小说的数量和其读者数量都迅速增加。与此同时,电视剧的剧本创作正遇瓶颈期。这种现象正好为网络小说与电视剧的“联姻”开启了一道大门。本文通过对当下我国网络小说改编电视剧的热播现象的分析,以网络小说改编电视剧兴起的 原因为切入点,进而探讨一些改编剧热播的原因,比如改编成功的原因,并从中找出不之处,针对不足之处为这种新的形式提出一些意见和建议。

关键词:当下  网络小说  改编  电视剧 现象

Analysis of the present network novel series of popular phenomenon
Abstract: in recent years, along with the rapid development of Internet and other media, network novel has been developed quickly, the number of network novels and the number of readers are increasing rapidly. At the same time, the TV play writing is bottleneck period. This kind of phenomenon for network novel and drama "marriage" opens the door. This article through to the present our country network novel, drama hit the analysis of the phenomenon, with the network novel series of reasons as the breakthrough point, and then discusses some adaptation of the popular reasons, such as the reasons for the success of adaptation, and find no place, in view of the shortcomings of the new form puts forward some opinions and Suggestions.

Key words:  now   Network novel   adapt  TV series  phenomenon

引言:    4
一、网络小说改编电视剧兴起的原因    4
1、近年网络小说改编的电视剧广受好评    5
2、网络小说与电视剧融合的优势    5
3、创新精神和无限商机    6
二. 网络小说改编电视剧热播的原因:    6
1.被网民广泛接受和认可    7
2.为影视行业带来高收入    8
三、中国网络小说改编电视剧存在的问题    8
1、从改编角度看    8
2、从整体角度看:    9
四、中国网络小说改编电视剧问题的解决对策及发展方向:    10
1.中国网络小说改编电视剧问题的解决对策    10
2、发展前景及方向:    12
参考文献:    14