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With the rapid development of society, people's life rhythm is speeding up, the train speed bring people travel more convenient, also reduce the distance between the city and the city. From the previous tour sightseeing tour, to advocate the depth of experience "slow travel now, train is undoubtedly the best way. Riding to appreciate the beauty of the scenery along the way, also became the part of the journey unforgettable, also feel "move car era change people life style".
Compared to moving vehicles and other transport train affected by the weather change is small, almost no delay delay, are very punctual, and train running speed, convenient and comfortable, "elder sister" service is also very intimate, especially suitable for the elderly and children to travel. Second, the train ticket is not fixed, like the ticket is influenced by season fluctuation. So the train more can realize people say go go to travel, train travel in the near future will occupy the tourism market.
This design main into cotton le "bullet trains", as the main tourist destination in guanghan, luo, jiangyou, open up a new tourist route for the majority of tourists.

Keywords:Train; Beauty; Food

目   录
摘要    2
Abstract    3
前  言    4
第一章  行程安排    5
第二章  旅游住宿    11
第三章  旅游交通    12
第四章  旅游娱乐    15
第五章  旅游购物    18
第六章  旅游服务    20
第七章  旅游报价    21