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摘       要
【关键词】上市公司  财务会计报告   公司治理

    Since our securities transactions since the financial reports of listed companies to disclose information about inaccurate or false reports issued by regulatory agencies have been criticized and punished frequent events, listed companies' financial reporting quality issue has been of concern. Existing listing of the company's financial reporting problems, but without the effective cure, and has become its stakeholders for the development of enterprises scientific forecasting and decision-making is a major obstacle. Firstly, the quality of financial reporting and its role elaborate, listed companies and reveal problems in the current financial reporting and analysis, and finally make recommendations to improve the quality of financial reporting.
Keywords:  listed companies  financial report  corporate governance

目    录
一、上市公司财务会计报告质量的现状    (1)
(一)财务信息不真实、不充分    (1)
(二)上市公司与注册会计师相互串谋舞弊    (2)
(三)法规不完善、监管力度不够    (2        )
   (四)财务报表数据的局限性    (2)
(五)财务质量受制于当局的道德操守        (3)
(六)会计政策及会计估计方法的执行存在人为性    (3)
二、财务会计报告不规范的原因分析    (3)
(一)有关管理部门执法不严    (3)
(二)会计人员地位不高        (4)
(三)财务会计报告披露中没有履行其应有的职责    (4)
三、财务会计报告优化的对策    (4)
(一)造就有效的财务会计报告供给、需求主体    (4)
(二)改革相关制度、减少财务会计报告不规范的动机    (5)
(三)完善会计准则和会计制度    (5)
(四)完善注册会计师制度    (6)
(五)完善公司治理结构    (6)
(六)建立健全公司内部控制制度    (7)
(七)加大虚假信息的查处和惩罚    (7)
参考文献                    (8)