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关键词:企业财务风险 类型与成因 防范应对措施

    With the reform and improvement of enterprise system , China's economy continues to grow , businesses have entered a stage of rapid development, it also brings with it more risk , the risk of these operations make the business process more uncertainty obviously, to enable enterprises to run into a vicious cycle of declining quality , that affect the sustainable management capacity, surplus power capacity and survival and development of enterprises , but also affect the interests of shareholders, creditors, therefore , scientific analysis of business process financial risk, financial risk for effective control , propose practical ways in which companies can play a pivotal role in sustainable development. Based on the types of financial risk , characteristics , causes, factors detailed analysis , combined with practical work experience , to discover the financial risk management process that may occur, depending on the cause of the risk , take the appropriate measures to deal with the proposal , with comprehensive risk control , avoidance, predict the company's future financial position, to avoid unnecessary losses, which have to have a great reference significance for the fast -growing company .

Keywords : types and causes of corporate financial risk prevention countermeasures

目 录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
前言    5
1财务风险的概念和特征    5
1.1财务风险的概念界定    5
1.2财务风险的基本特征    6
1.3财务风险防范机制的作用    6
2 财务风险的类型和成因    7
2.1财务风险的主要类型    7
2.1.1筹资风险    7
2.1.2投资风险    7
2.1.3经营风险    7
2.1.4担保风险    7
2.2财务风险的成因分析    8
3 财务风险的识别和分析方法    9
3.1财务风险的识别    10
3.1.1财务风险的表象    10
3.1.2产销运营风险    10
3.2财务风险的分析方法    11
3.2.1定量分析    11
3.2.2定性分析    12
3.2.3定性分析与定量分析相结合    13
4 加强我国财务风险防范的对策措施    13
4.1建立财务风险控制目标    14
4.2研究国家政策,制定战略规划    14
4.3提高财务风险意识    15
4.4完善内控制度    16
4.5优化债务结构    16
4.6保持合理负债比率    17
4.7加强资金的流动性    17
4.8建立财务风险预警机制    18
总结    18
参考文献    20