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关键词:成都市   中小企业   融资难问题   原因    对策

Title  Reasons and Countermeasures for the Financing Difficulty of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in chengdu

After carrying out the Reform and Opening-up policy, with the launch of national five-year plan one by one, SMEs spring out enthusiastically and become an important pillar of the national economy gradually. But,the capital market not mature,which can not provide timely and effective economic and political environment for the development of newborn SMEs. Then,the development of SMEs is hindered, and financing difficulties become a “bottleneck” in the path of SMEs’ development. Chengdu is the key development city in Sichuan, the economic value of SMEs accounted for 75% of the total economic value of Chengdu. Chengdu government start paying highly attention to SMEs’ development, carrying out a series of laws and preferential policies, increasing support to promote SMEs’ development. But, financing difficult problem is still the development limitations. This paper takes SMEs in Chengdu as an example, combining with universality of SMEs financing difficulties and particularity of Chengdu SMEs’ development model, from enterprises themselves, financial institutions and government mediation three aspects analyzes the reasons for the financing difficulties of SMEs in Chengdu, making a concrete analysis of a concrete problem and discussing the corresponding solutions ,to provide rationalization of reference for the latter part of SMEs financing development in Chengdu.
 Key words: Chengdu  small and medium-sized enterprise  financing difficulty    reason  countermeasure

目    录
1 引言    3
2 成都市中小企业发展现状    4
2.1 成都市中小企业发展概况    4
2.2 成都市中小企业融资特点    4
2.3 成都市政府对中小企业融资做出的努力    5
3成都市中小企业融资难的主要成因分析    5
3.1 企业微观环境层面    5
3.2 金融机构环境层面    6
3.3 政府及中介层面    6
4 解决成都市中小企业融资难的对策分析    7
4.1 企业微观环境层面    7
4.2 金融机构环境层面    8
4.3 政府及中介层面    9
结论    11
参考文献    12
致谢语    13