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摘  要:基于外向型中小企业发展的国内外研究,本文首先陈述了我过外向型中小企业的现状,然后指出我国外向型中小企业目前发展面临的一些问题,进而提出和探讨如何改进我国外向型中小企业发展对策: 如创新,融资,战略选择,市场竞争,自身管理等,以期这些对策有助于这些企业如何适应世界经济的新局面,改变自身低成本、低利润、无核心竞争力的现状。
关键词: 外向型中小企业;发展问题;对策

Research on Problems Facing Export-oriented SMEs in the Development and Its Countermeasures
Abstract: Based on the foreign and domestic researches on the development of export-oriented small and medium sized enterprises(SMEs), this paper firstly describes the current status of export-oriented SME’ development in china, and then points out the problems facing export-oriented SME in the development at present. At last discusses and proposes the countermeasures how to improve the development of export-oriented SME, which helps them to adapt to the new economic in the world, and changes the current status of low cost, low profit and no core competitiveness.
Key words: Export-oriented SMEs; Developmental problems; Countermeasures