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摘  要


How to build a scientific system of performance appraisal of civil servants has become a worldwide problem. Since the foundation of the state, the organization departments at all levels have carried on a lot of exploration in improving and strengthening civil servants performance to check and rate the work, the ones that checked and rated in order to realize civil servants performance are institutionalized and legalizing and accumulating valuable experience, the basic frame that the performance of civil servant of our country checked and rated has already been set up tentatively, has given play to more and more irreplaceable efficiency in the management of the civil servant too. But the completion of the system does not accomplish in one move, it still has many defects. With the deepening constantly of reform of personnel system for cadre of our country, a series of drawbacks that civil servants performance checks and rates even reveal out suddenly and violently gradually. Therefore we must summarize the performance of civil servant of our country and check and rate the drawback present, carry on research to it from respects such as politics, culture, system of checking and rating.etc., and check and rate and put forward the conductive suggestion in strengthening civil servant's performance finally, try hard to make civil servants performance check and rate more objective, just.
In this paper, analysis of the status of performance appraisal of civil servants, the existing performance appraisal system analysis and evaluation, and to identify the causes of the problems caused. The United States and Japan followed by the Civil Service performance appraisal system studies comparing Chinese and foreign similarities and differences between the performance appraisal system, the discussion of the merits of its reference to improve China's civil service system, the feasibility of performance appraisal. Finally, in accordance with the above analysis on the speech of China's Civil Service Performance Evaluation of three recommendations: that is, a complete curriculum vitae of the Civil Service performance appraisal system; the establishment of a wide range of civil service examination bodies; of performance appraisal of civil servants to promote technological innovation.

Key words:Performance appraisal; the civil service examination; government; indicators

目    录  12000字
引  言 1
一、我国公务员绩效考评体系的现状 1
(一)我国公务员绩效考评体系的概况 1
(二)对我国公务员绩效考评现状的分析和评价 2
二、国内外公务员绩效评估体系的比较研究 4
(一)美国和日本的公务员绩效考评体系 4
(二)中外公务员绩效考评体系比较 5
三、强化我国公务员绩效考评体系的基本思路 7
(一)建立完整的公务员绩效考评制度 7
(二)建立多元化的公务员考评机构 8
(三)推动公务员绩效考评技术的创新 9
结  论 9
参考文献 11