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摘  要


Cloud computing is based on distributed computing and grid computing. Because of its advantages, dynamic, flexible, reliable and economical, cloud computing developed rapidly and soon capture the market of the Internet. However, some new safety problems of the cloud computing raises attention of the industry recently. Safety issues have become one of the biggest obstacles for the development of cloud computing. Facing the security challenges, scholars and the international organizations have come up with some schemas and relevant safety standards. Therefore, Solving the security problems effectively is the key to the cloud computing industry. Related research is of great significance.
This paper introduces related concepts, history and facts of the cloud computing security, and basing on this, expounds the existing requirements for traditional IT and cloud security. We then classify the security issues, present corresponding solutions and introduce some typical cloud computing security architecture.

Keywords:Cloud Computing; Cloud Security; Security requirements; Security architecture; Standardizing organizations


目    录
第一章  引言    7
1.1引入    7
1.2论文组织结构    8
第二章  云计算介绍    9
2.1相关概念    9
2.1.1.按服务模式分类    9
2.1.2.按部署模式分类    10
2.2发展状况    11
2.2.1.各国政府的广泛重视    11
2.2.2.国际标准化组织的进展    12
2.3本章小结    13
第三章  云计算的安全特征    14
3.1 无安全边界    14
3.2 动态伸缩性    14
3.3 服务安全障    14
3.4 数据安全    14
3.5 第三方监管和审计    15
3.6本章小结    15
第四章 云计算安全需求    16
4.1云计算与传统IT比较    16
4.2云计算的传统安全需求    17
4.2.1机密性    17
4.2.2.完整性    17
4.2.3.可用性    17
4.2.4.访问控制和身份认证    18
4.3新需求    18
4.3.1.可信性    18
4.3.2.防火墙配置安全性    18
4.3.3.虚拟机安全性    18
4.4本章小结    19
第五章 云计算安全问题分析与关键技术    20
5.1 云计算的安全问题分类    20
5.1.1 IaaS层安全问题    20
5.1.2.PaaS层安全问题    21
5.1.3. SaaS层安全问题    22
5.1.4.其他安全问题    22
5.2解决问题的关键技术    23
5.2.1.容灾与恢复技术    23
5.2.2身份管理与访问控制    24
5.2.3.数据安全技术    24
5.2.4.虚拟化安全技术    26
5.2.5.可信云计算    27
5.2.6. 密文域检索与处理    28
5.3 本章小结    29
第六章 云计算安全体系架构    30
6.1 CSA 的云计算安全架构    30
6.2 可信云体系架构    30
6.3 IBM云计算安全架构    30
6.4 Cisco云数据中心安全架构    32
6.5 Amazon EC2安全架构    33
6.6本章小结    33
第七章 总结    34
7.1 研究意义    34
7.2现状分析    34
7.3 发展前景    34
结束语    35
致  谢    36
参考文献    37