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摘  要
关键词:计算机技术 企业管理 房地产 中介公司 房地中介管理
With the quick development of the technical of computer ,it has been widely used in the management of computer. National and international companies begin to step into the information period. While in the field of the real estate , the use of computer technical also is becoming more and more necessary and important.
The field of real state become one of the hottest fields in the world. Terrell estate companies turn to the phenomena of quick increase. Then if the share price of thses companies are facing challenge or still have the potential of increasing is become people’s hot topic in the market in the current condition of market. There is still wide development space from the perspective of the basic relations between offer and need.
The thesis makes a set of management structure concerning the agency ,seller ,and buyer, 3 aspects ,through the research to this field. Carefully organize this modulo system which are suitable in the management of the agency. This system aims to let the seller much easier ,buyer have more confident and the agency as more relaxed , three aspects reflect the practicability and widely needs.
The theory of management of real estate should aim to improve the level of the information management in the inner company ,improve the proper connect and fate of the processing to the different steps of the developing ,We begin with the publishing the information and website building , to reduce the cost and take advantage of the resources in the traditional processing method. By changing the different aspects in the process of real estate developing through the informative reform, to receive the automobilists in the management of real estate.
Key words: computer technology; corporation management; real estate; agency; real estate agency management

 登陆管理。
 注册管理。
 查询管理。
 房屋信息管理。
 用户数据管理。
 中介公司员工信息管理。

 登录模块
 注册管理模块
 查询模块
 房屋信息模块
 用户数据模块
 中介公司员工信息管理模块

目 录
摘  要 I
目 录 III
1 绪 论 1
1.1引言 1
1.2软硬件获取系统研究背景和意义 1
1.3当前房产交易中所存在的问题 2
1.4本论文所做研究工作 2
2 需求分析 3
2.1系统需求分析 3
2.2可行性分析 4
3 总体设计 6
3.1项目规划 6
3.2设计目标 6
3.3系统设计 6
4 功能模块设计 10
4.1 ADO数据库连接封装类设计 10
4.2登录模块设计 13
4.3查询模块设 15
4.4房屋信息管理模块设计 19
4.5中介公司人事管理模块设计 24
5 系统测试 28
5.1 黑盒测试 28
5.2 白盒测试 29
6 疑难问题分析与解决 31
6.1数据表中的数据如何添加到ListControl中 31
6.2一个COMBOX控件的改变如何让另一个控件改变 33
7 总结与展望 35
7.1 本文研究工作总结 35
7.2今后研究工作展望 35
致 谢 38
参考文献 39

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