本系统使用ASP.net技术:ASP.NET是把基于通用语言的程序在服务器上运行。不像以前的asp即时解释程序,而是将程序在服务器端首次运行时进行编译,这样的执行效果,当然比一条一条的解释强很多。数据库采用sql server2005数据库:具有良好的安全性能,防火墙技术可以保证后台数据库的安全性,如果结合Windows 2000与Internet Information Server的高度安全性,使用户可以实现系统的安全。
关键词 : b/s,车辆停车收费系统,asp.net,sql server2005
At present, most of the car parking charge system administrator and statisticians still mainly use the traditional manual accounting tools. This way of working workload big, the efficiency is low, the error-prone, accuracy, timeliness is poor, poor and has lots of statements need filing, search trouble. In order to make the management personnel from tedious manual labor freed, improve work personnel's working efficiency, reduce the management costs, to save storage space and developing a car parking charge system is necessary.
The system USES the B/S mode: and the traditional C/S mode, B/S structure compared to the processing function all transplantation, and the user's request server via a browser, both use and database issued on the maintenance of the traditional mode than more economic convenient. And make maintenance tasks hierarchic: officer is responsible for the server hardware daily management and maintenance, system maintenance personnel responsible for backend database data update maintenance. Adopts B/S mode, the breakthrough tradition file sharing mode, the design for learning communication platform provides a new solution. With asp.net WEB applications, users connect the backend database software is clicked and finish do operation, the original static webpages upgrade to dynamically update and data way. B/S model platform, data maintenance convenient client without special software, and have a good network expansibility, support TCP/IP protocol direct access to the Internet,. As for B/S model is concerned, programs and data of physical location is no longer so important, visitors concerns about just their URL.
This system using asp.net technology: the ASP.NET is based on general language program in the server. Unlike previous asp real-time interpretation process, but in the server program compiled first run, so that the implementation of the results, of course, a explanation than a much better. Using SQL database server2005 database: good safety performance, firewall technology can guarantee the safety of the backend database, if combined with Windows 2000 and Internet Information Server height safety, users can realize the security of the system.
Keywords: b/s, car parking charge system, asp.net, SQL server2005
2.1 需求分析
2.1.1 系统功能需求分析

摘要 1
Abstract 1
第1章 绪论 3
1.1 项目背景 3
1.2 研究的目的和意义 4
第2章 需求分析与技术分析 5
2.1 需求分析 5
2.1.1 系统功能需求分析 5
2.1.2 系统设计结构分析 6
2.2 技术分析 8
2.2.1 目前主流的动态网页技术比较 8
2.2.2 asp.net简介 9
2.2.3 sql server2005简介 10
第3章 项目的实现与设计 11
3.1 车辆停车收费系统大体结构图 11
3.2 数据库概念结构设计 12
第4章 系统的实现 18
4.1 连接数据库的包含文件 18
4.2 后台管理的控制台 19
4.3 停车场员工管理 20
4.4 客户信息管理 21
4.5 客户留言回复 23
4.6 停车位添加: 24
4.7 客户停车登记页面: 25
4.8 结账页面 27
4.9 停车位历史查询页面 27
4.10 密码管理 27
4.11 客户留言信息 27
4.12 登陆页面 27
第5章 系统的调试和优化 40
5.1 调试 40
5.2 问题分析 41
第6章 结束语 42
致谢 43
参考文献 44
附录 45
附录1:动态网页设计代码 48