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摘  要:本课题研究的是基于ASP.NET的学生成绩合成系统,目的是开发出一个基于Web的自动化的高效率的学生成绩管理的教学平台,以满足现代教育的需要。基于ASP.NET的学生成绩合成系统的开发,要求界面友好、方便用户、并且要达到实用的目的。功能模块要全面而合理;运行要安全并且有一定的效率。主要功能应该包括学生平时成绩的合成、学生总评成绩的合成。除了成绩的合成,还提供对成绩的分析和统计,包括年级的排名,优秀成绩的排名,不及格成绩统计等等。在统计时使用了柱状图和饼图使界面更加直观。本设计的开发工具使用asp.NET,使用Ms_SQL数据库。该平台为教学管理人员提供了强大的教学管理功能,为教师提供了一个友好而高效的教学平台,为学生创造了方便查询、了解学习情况的环境,为提高教学质量和教学效益提供了一种全新而有效的途径。
关键词:成绩分析 自动化 网络化 基于Web 实时性


  The Design and Implementation Of Student Score Synthesis System Based on asp.NET

Abstract: This topic researches the student score synthesis system which based on ASP.NET. The goal is developing one that is automation and high efficiency student score management teaching platform based on the Web to satisfy the modern education. The development of the student score synthesis system is based on asp.NET. And it requests friendly surface, to be convenient to the users, and must achieves the practical goal.
The function module wants to be comprehensive and to be reasonable; And the action must be safe and efficient. The main function should include the synthesis of the student usual score, and the student general appraisal score synthesis. Except score synthesis, it also provides to the score analysis and the statistics, including grade sort, outstanding score sort, the statistics of the score below sixty and so on. When statistics it used the stick plot and the cake chart so that the contact surface is to be more direct-viewing. This design development kit uses asp.NET, and the Ms-SQL database. This platform has provided a formidable teaching management function for the teaching administrative personnel, has provided for the teachers a friendly and the highly effective teaching platform, has created the convenience environment for the students to inquiry and understand the study situation, and has provided a brand-new and the effective way to improve the quality of teaching and the teaching benefit.

Keywords: score analysis; automation; network; based on asp.NET; real time

目    录

1  绪论 1
1.1  问题定义及内容简介 1
1.2  研究背景与研究意义 2
1.3  课题调研与可行性分析 4
2  系统需求分析 6
2.1  系统的性能要求 6
2.2  系统功能需求分析 6
2.3  系统数据流图 8
2.4  数据字典 9
3  系统设计 16
3.1  系统总体结构设计 16
3.2  系统数据模型设计 16
3.3  系统开发与运行环境确定 29
3.4  系统实现的若干关键技术 31
4  详细设计 35
4.1  系统模块详细设计 35
4.2  主要模块流程图 35
4.3  用户登陆模块详细设计 40
4.4  平时期末成绩统计模块详细设计 43
4.5  查询模块详细设计 46
4.6  交流系统详细设计 53
5  用户使用手册 54
5.1  系统功能简介、运行环境简介 54
5.2  系统安装手册 54
5.3  系统运行与操作指南(手册) 55
6  系统评价 58
6.1  系统主要特色/优点介绍 58
6.2  系统存在不足与改进方案 58
6.3  毕业设计心得与收获 59
结 论 60
致  谢 61
参 考 文 献 62
附 录 63

